
Extremely important question: what if you’re more of a Dos Equis person?

Long gone is the era wherein people generally minded their own goddamn business.

Oh gosh, putting me on the spot! Despite following the scientific method all day at work...I really abandon it in the kitchen. So shameful, but fun. Generally, I salt and spice the meat as if it were just going straight in the pan. Then, I fill an appropriate sized bowl with water. Add the meat and then salt the

who could possibly care about your comments?


I’m pretty sure Dellavedova is the basketball reincarnation of Drew’s Chopped application and experience.

“It’s like when you’re in high school and you don’t get invited to the party”

Why isnt this in the OP? Puts the whole situation in a different light. It’s the most charming batch of sincere grovelling I’ve ever seen. Can we get Jeremey Renner a copy of this so he knows what a real apology is?

Every time I think of something from Seinfeld, I fall into the rabbit hole of, “Oh and that’s the same episode where yada yadda yadda happens, and so-and-so is doing this,” and then I realize it’s been fifteen minutes, and I have been giggling by myself in my office the whole time.

to his credit, George Jason Alexander posted this on twitter

I just read through the comments section of the Tacoma Stories link and someone fairly close to the situation said that her father had threatened to put her up for adoption. If this is true, coupled with the hair cutting off incident, it paints a picture of an abuser who should be in jail.

“You ain’t no real nigga. You a white boy, you preppy, you rich boy.”

Is it sold out?

He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.

In most situations you are absolutely correct. But the NFLPA agreed to it in the CBA. It’s not as if the language is unclear. They agreed to to a shitty contract clause and are now stuck with it. The one the players should be mad for this situation are DeMaurice Smith...and themselves.

Ok, I will admit it, I am the worst possibly attired person according to the various websites that make up the Gawkerverse. And I am ok with that. I have a pair of black Nike slip on sandals that get worn to the gym and home - can’t wear gym shoes outside. I have a pair of flip flops by the back door to wear out in

Also, knowing Ms. Horn disapproves will only add to my satisfaction in wearing my sandals and shorts.