
Hi, Pediatrician here! (though I’m no Harvey Karp)

If only Jimmy Haslam had a son who’d done the same.

Sepp Blatter: I heard ten Brazilian workers died for the 2014 World Cup.

That’s not just 1,200 faceless men

But if we abandon Qatar now, they will have died in vain.

I did not cry. I did, however, start to have one hell of a panic attack once it was time for me to walk down the aisle. As I started to wheeze and get dizzy, my father (who was walking me down the aisle) looked at me and just grinned.

As a kid, I loved fruit leather, but referred to them as fruit roll-ups. I also was a hyper-active maniac, so I was generally going through life with skinned knees and elbows.

That puts me in mind of a friend’s fruit eating mishap. We were around 13 or 14, and at the beginning of an hour long car drive, my (sizable) friend decided to eat an entire bag of peaches. He got car sick, and proceeded to throw everything up in a grocery bag in the back of the car.

Greatest Generation. He’ll never let the Jap[anese] get the better of him.

Once, when I was about five, my mom packed some raisins in my lunch. Actually, not some, but the entire one pound box because she ran out of baggies. Being raised to not waste food, I ate the entire box. and consequently puked all over the daycare lunch table with the other kids sitting there. And then was berated by

Suicide was a very real option for a while.

My 80-year-old grandpa was out with a lady friend and decided to get some sushi. A few minutes into dinner, he saw the wasabi and thought it was some sort of avocado dish. He proceeded to scoop the entire thing and eat it. Before he realized what it was, he had already swallowed it. He said for the next 30 minutes he

My mother forgot to put sugar in a pumpkin pie and then became angry when we didn’t like it.

I cut up some ghost peppers and then proceeded to use the restroom before I washed my hands.

I had a spacey friend in high school who had gone to an Italian restaurant and been served bread and olive oil for the first time. She became obsessed with it, and one night we were at another friends house and she came down the stairs eating the very same concoction, or so we thought. Upon entering the kitchen, I

Once at my cousin’s wedding, after a few beers during the cocktail hour, I made my way over to a bowl of what I thought were Wasabi peanuts. After popping a couple in my mouth, I realized it was a bowl for Olive pits. Awesome. Killed all the germs with copious amounts of alcohol.

My first time at a sushi place in Japan, I ate an entire plate of pickled ginger before having a bite of sushi.

Rex Ryan: [studies article]

Of course Notre Dame lost. They were going up against HHS, not Navy.