Also remember these sage words:
Also remember these sage words:
One of my violin students the other day casually stated, “My dad isn’t feeling well and has pooped 17 times today.” So yeah, this is a valid concern (for younger children, as you pointed out).
This film contributes to the greater good.
Haven’t black churches always participated in the civil rights movement with a distinctly different approach?
To all of you people bitching about this joke being low-hanging fruit: (a) it still works and (b) not every comment is going to be about Marcel Proust or Schrodinger’s cat.
This is nothing. The New York Mets have been pretending to be a pro-style team for 53 years.
Rob’s ankle was broken during the wrestling portion of the match
Not really anything all that special. Just another fly ball to left that landed without Hanley Ramirez catching it.
Oh dang a feature! Also I told Mr Estefan this happened and he sent me a video of him and his work friends fist pumping at their desks.