
You can feel the envy dripping from this article. Bill Simmons is a sports writer—so calling him a shitty writer is belaboring the point, which is what shitty writers do.

It was pretty easy to tell that Dwight’s head just wasn’t in the game last night. Hopefully, he’ll feel better today, once he gets confirmation that all those Mother’s Day cards reached their intended destinations.

He’s a hybrid of all the worst parts of both blue and red-state types.

Baby 1: “We need to have a serious talk about your choices”


Drew would never work for BIG SPORTS. OR WOULD HE?

It may be the first Schwarzenegger movie to make you cry.

maybe he’s just seanist

I also think it’s really fucked up that Chip keeps saying Sam Bradford is prone to injunry.

After reading so much bad journalism and shit reporting; Diana, this is the best piece of journalism I have read in a while. Good on you!

Err Jordan?

Stephen A. puts a lot of the blame on Joe Public here, but he ended up backing off that later when he found out about Joe Public’s domestic violence arrests.

My favorite!

Stephen A interviewing Floyd Mayweather? What's next, a hard hitting Sean Salisbury profile of Brett Favre??

In other No Fun League news Adrian Peterson's Agent today announced "Game on!" in the quest to trade his client. I'm assuming Dallas will shortly gain another "character" player. #nodistractions

What the fuck is up with the Fisher-Price my first website logo?

And yet somehow *I* was the mediawhore/distraction.