
On the contrary, budgeting money to enjoy a consumable on a regular basis can provide tremendous marginal utility that is easily comparable to other uses of items. Budgeting money to enjoy a few beers while I relax on my porch, hang out with friends or play video games adds tremendous marginal utility to those

I used to do this a lot. Thing is, once you do it enough, you get a pretty good feel for the numbers. The other thing is, that when you do it a lot you come to realize that all of the happiness you get out of your little habits that cost money contributes a whole lot more to your life than just the happiness you

It’s bad enough that he treats her this horribly. It’s doubly bad that he leaves her to raise their kids alone, and triply bad that he’s basically left her to raise her step-children (the mother of whom also has had addiction problems), but then to praise the other deadbeat mom and take potshots at her?

I like a good IPA, though I would not consider myself a snob about it. I’m the same way with IPAs. I see one I haven’t tried, the label looks pretty neato, I’ll give it a whirl.

I feel like I’m the only one who ever takes advantage of the section of beers that has Chimay and others like it at the Tom Thumb I go to. There will be people wandering the wine and beer aisles, there will be people tasting the beers or wines that their taste testing people have out there, and the little corner of

5. When in doubt, start chanting “quack. quack. Quack. Quack! QUACK!”

Yeah, okay, sure.

Congratulations on being a game away from losing to one guy and a bunch of body parts stitched together that were reanimated to impersonate actual NBA players!

Hilary Duff isn’t bitter about love, she’s just busy!


It makes sense.

As a guy, my thought is that if he hasn’t proposed yet he’s either not sure that you are ready to say “yes” or if he is sure, he’s just, like, super casual about it. He could also just be a lazy bum.

People want actual progress.

Gore, who was not a true progressive. Had Gore run on a truly progressive platform than all of the hanging chads in the world would have been irrelevent because he would have been annihilated.

“Hillary’s going to have to adopt Bernie’s message, and I think we’re going to be hearing a lot more from Bernie.”

Yeah, well, heroin junkies also thought that Ron Paul would have made a good President.

Meh, with all those injuries, provided the offseason isn’t a complete disaster, I’d say the Cavs will be right back in the mix next year.

Or, maybe, we follow suite with countries who have managed to figure out how to regulate their financial sectors more effectively without, you know, resorting to options that are no more palatable than unbridled capitalism.

You believe that the financial markets today are so complex that no one can understand them and thus it is impossible for people to demonstrate a lower level of competence, because it can’t possibly get any lower?

Comparing making swords to managing risks in financial markets is hilarious. The number of variables involved in sword smithing is limited enough that one person can keep them all in their head, with enough training. The number of variables involved in managing risks in financial markets numbers in the hundreds of