
Yes, but the delusions were born of believing that perfection was achievable in the first place, which it isn’t.

They failed because they were absolutely certain they knew what they were doing, and that certainty led them to take insane risks.

egarding math, if we assume an understanding of math, then explain how player stats in sports are more easily understood than financial things such as for example derivatives? Or why investors poured money into an unstable housing market? How about the largest automotive company in the world needing to be bailed out?

I guess what I’m saying is that your understanding of what has gone wrong in financial markets is not only wrong, but completely ass backwards. Meaningful regulatory bars were not lowered at all prior to 2008. There was no “good enough”. What happened prior to 2008 was a sense that they “had figured it out”.

Sports fans long ago learned to accept our male heroes as anything but heroic. It’s time to let our women be the same.

If you’re in a position where you’re helping someone who doesn’t want to be helped, though, I’d recommend just removing yourself.

I’m not even talking about caring for them. I’m talking about getting them to pursue treatment. The whole “caring for them” part comes in when you do all the work, both domestically and in order to make enough money to support them. My point is that it’s not unreasonable for that person, who is doing everything but

Lawrence Dolezal is reading about Joshua, he who slew Goliath.

The thing is, the inability to “just get over it” is exactly the problem. It’s what separates mental illness from normal, day-to-day stress.

I’m not sure about the blonde weave, but I think the darker curls look pretty good.

Yes. This is really the only appropriate reaction for everyone to have to this story.

One thing to also think about is the fact that a quest for perfection can lead you to think you’ve actually obtained it.

Eh, maybe. Personally I think a lot of the things you cited don’t have anything to do with settling for something less than perfection. To use your example of financial markets, I actually think the biggest problem has been one that neither Eric nor you addressed, which is the seduction of the notion that perfection,

BUT ... BUT ... BUT ... TRANSRACIALISM!!111!!!!!

Well, this little tidbit certainly adds another layer of stupidity to this whole story.

How directly inverse is the ratio between the gravitational plausibility of a hat’s position and how snooty it looks?

Well, maybe. I think whether or not you should actively negotiate your salary at any given time his highly dependent on your individual situation.

Smith, Rider, whatever. Their names have J.R. in them.

I’m going to be dissapointed if there aren’t a bunch of hot takes that go on about how riding that thing after a loss really shows how little J.R. Rider cares about what happens.

How does this miserable old shit still have a job after he has on a number of occasions so clearly lost his objectivity when it comes to individual players?