
I don’t talk trash about Taylor Swift. Does this mean that if I set my mind to it, I could be just like Taylor Swift?

Well, I do think that people get crazy tribal about music allegiance though, and that is obnoxious as fuck, regardless of where a person’s tribal allegiances take them. Give me a wedgie and call me a liar if you can find any strong Taylor Swift hater on Kinja who isn’t also a die-hard Beyonce and/or Nicki Minaj fan.

When I read your headline, I thought this would be a follow up to the FIFA slaves article, but I can see that the truth is much, much worse.

But Brian Kilmeade the man can look at that and say “I don’t give a shit about all that. I just want to get paid” and believe whatever the fuck he wants.

You know what art men have really lost. The art of not letting some testosterone infused freakazoid like this Navy S.E.A.L. tell them what it means to be manly. Be your fucking selves. Brian Kilmeade, you are a cynical disingenuous morning host who probably makes obscene amounts of money to spew a bunch of bullshit

That’s the thing, if they don’t actually know it’s illegal, or don’t care, that’s a red flag.

That’s interesting and all, but that doesn’t change the fact that many corporations provide that guidance in perfunctory fashion, or in employee handbooks that are read once and then promptly forgotten.

Because most places don’t have formally trained interviewers and so people interviewing aren’t well versed in the ins and outs of what is and is not illegal.

I think if you are assuming they know they aren’t supposed to ask it, that you have never spent much time inside a normal corporate environment. Many interviewers are not well versed in interviewing at all, much less in what is illegal and what is not. Many companies do not employ formally trained interviewers. The

It may seem that way, but that’s also easy to say if you aren’t faced with deciding whether or not you value getting the job more than answering the question. Once you are hired, if you are doing well at a company and have your boss’ ear, it’s possible to actually correct some of these sorts of things with a discreet

One time, I was reading a sports blog, and some dude posted a recipe on it, and I tried it out.

He’s right, but it’s not as if that’s a concession the current union leadership made.

But if it were an Aaron Sorkin drama, there’s simply no way that such a sexist newsroom could not have a Fox News political bent.

It’s the logical conclusion of the “let these thing work themselves out naturally” philosophy first expressed in Office Space.

This is America goddammit, where I have a right to be a cheap asshole without any consequences to myself!

Can’t really fault the guy.

You were supposed to end that comment with a “HEYOOOOOOOOO!”

If you’re interested in reading more about failure, I can’t recommend the book The Logic of Failure enough. It’s written by a German psychologist (translated into English) and it does a really good job of finding common threads and patterns that are highly correlated with failure.

I think the how of what she said was a pretty big distraction from that though. Any time you use the words “No offense”, you’ve pretty much already lost your audience.

I think she’s trying to say that Rosa Parks is more relevant in our day and age. That might actually be something that could be argued for even!