I think Courtney Stodden was more attractive before all of the plastic surgery she’s done. This is a thing that I think most guys would agree with me on, though I could be wrong. Shrug.
I think Courtney Stodden was more attractive before all of the plastic surgery she’s done. This is a thing that I think most guys would agree with me on, though I could be wrong. Shrug.
I see how stupid the arrangement is, but it is the agreed upon arrangement. They can sue if they feel Goodell doesn’t make a decision by the letter of the contract, but if he does and they are suing because they just don’t like it, they will lose.
Whew. I have never been more grateful to hear that a movie is a wheels off shitshow than I am now.
I think Kotaku routinely addresses the root cause of that issue, which is that gaming communities that can create profession eSports gamers treat women like shit.
Well, see, now when you say it like that, it actually starts to make a bit more sense ...
In body positive communities it’s not uncommon to get comments from people who are angry—angry with the images of people being happy in their bodies, angry with the idea of body positivity and all of its expressions. We call them trolls.
I was going to come her and laugh at you for picking one particular turd in a river of human excrement and blaming it for the smell, but I can see that others have already done that.
Do studies actually indicate that teaching abstinence is worse than doing nothing?
Well, they do either need to be abstinent. Or have a sex ed program. Failing to do one or the other will probably result in an STD outbreak.
I actually feel kind of bad for her. Child stars may be incredibly privileged, but if they have shitty parents (her’s rivaled any other child star’s parents I’ve ever heard of for sheer awfulness), then it’s pretty hard for them to stay un-fucked.
Reactions from parents range from “Just so long as she’s not drunk” to “Good luck with my crazy kid.” Let’s just hope these parents have talked to their children about weather safety, though, because Hurricane Lilo has arrived.
For his part, Cliffley appropriately fawned and drooled over Amy Lake while threatening to divorce/kill his wife Darflyn.
We’ll take Kanye then, provided he doesn’t start blathering on about how Obama broke the levies.
I feel like this whole “dadbod” thing was played out before it even came up. As soon as I heard it, I instantly realized what it was, what it represented, and that I was already exhausted at the prospect of yet another stupid meme going through the rise-heavy use-killed with overuse-resurrection by cable news-final…
No, I’m with you. I think ultimately when you want to claim the title academic and public intellectual, you can’t let your anger lead the way on your rhetoric.
Very true. That was however, not the context in which she was discussing who “invented” slavery. She’s an academic. She should make context like that more clear.
Do you honestly think she wasn’t aware that slavery started long before white people became an organized civilization though? Is that something you can get to be a professor of African-American studies and not be acutely aware of? What does that say about the study track of African-American studies she was on if that…
What do we do with those non-systemic racisms, pretend they don’t exist?
They can, but to understand the difference between what I’m saying you have to look at the history of the debate between Dubois and Washington.
Hopefully watching a black man hug an Asian man for an hour at the price of $100 contributes to racial harmony around the globe.