There’s no way we would give up those 3 for the 3 you’ve suggested. If you’re going to give us Kanye, you gotta take at least one white celebrity who is also a hot mess for your team.
There’s no way we would give up those 3 for the 3 you’ve suggested. If you’re going to give us Kanye, you gotta take at least one white celebrity who is also a hot mess for your team.
White people aren’t changing shit, they don’t have to and they don’t care, so why continue to act like it?
It’s interesting seeing what happens when an owner becomes fair game to target and former players/coaches are free to let loose on him with both barrels.
One of his jobs is to make sure labor doesn’t get more active.
If he’s graded on any other metric he’s a cosmic level fuck up. He’s been a PR disaster. He’s a punchline in the non Peter King sports media.
asked personal questions about family (do I have children?) and religion. The other interviewer appeared clearly uncomfortable with her questions and attempted to ask more relevant questions.
Of course, but ultimately, who are the owners trying to keep entertained? The mob.
Why shouldn’t Goodell pander to the mob?
Despite the Patriots schadenfreude (the last pure sports emotion), the punishment is a fucked-up overreaction from a league hyperdesperate to protect its image—
Explain how he is a terrible commissioner with logic that actually addresses performance metrics and standards that actually matter when judging whether or not he is a good commissioner, because none of the things you mentioned actually does that.
None of this sounds like a problem that can’t be solved over a bowl of Skyline chili with their good pal Peter King mediating between them.
If you dug his persona, you forgave the amateurish writing—or even found it endearing, or didn’t care. On the other hand, if the persona struck you as a smug, smirking affectation
Except both Dash and Kelly stay well within certain boundaries. Again I’ll point back to his constant stripper analogies.
Agreed. He’s like an unholy abomination composed of the most awful parts of Rush Limbaugh, Bill Myers and Dane Cook.
I’m also not sure that Cowherd will fit neatly into the current conservative talk radio lineup most of those AM talk radio stations sport.
/forgets where door is
So? The average NFL season ticket holder makes up a very small portion of the people who see the NFL’s various promotions of the military.
Brooks is hard for me to peg sometimes.
I totally agree that the “if” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. The implication being that if we are going to take issue with something, take issue with the recruiting budget, not the fact that the DoD appears to actually be pretty smart about marketing.
But the point of my sentence is they do those things in order to keep their syncretization intact.