
Time and again the public has gotten over moral failings of entertainers as long as they can still entertain

I dunno, if the DoD is going to have a recruiting advertising budget, advertising with the NFL in that sort of indirect way is probably pretty good bang for the buck.

But encouraging the league to claw its way up the slippery slope of determining which crimes are beyond the pale only legitimizes the NFL’s self-serving claim that it’s capable of achieving moral high ground, or even that sports and morality should be meaningfully linked in any way beyond being aware of what kind of

To me, the answer is, if the child is under 11-12, no. Yes, in most circumstances, if you are careful, the risk is low that something will happen, but the issue is that if you wind up out on the tail, the consequences will probably shatter you completely.

I’m a sucker for old action stars playing a run down, exhausted, drained older/middle aged character. I think there’s something about the fact that I have so many memories of when they were younger and now seeing them older that helps reinforce the overall atmosphere around them.

That wasn’t how I interpreted the results at all. From the last paragraph:

This is a ball. For a game. It took 243 pages to write this and lay out evidence?

Then why did he sign a black running back that has more upside than you do at this point?

It took me a second to puzzle that one out. Need another cup of coffee.

I’m aware of that, though it is considerably more rare in landlocked African countries.

The Chinese-Zimbabwean

Those things are truly a gift from God himself.

From my original comment:

But what you fail to understand is that when someone is large enough and swinging hard enough there is no “knowing better”. There isn’t some secret ninja flip for dealing with someone who is big and strong.

This is the perfect “Thank God my wife took the baby out shopping with her mom on a Saturday afternoon” movie.

Well, I’d expect them to react better to a drunk person trying to hit them if that drunk person can’t actually hurt them, as was the case here.

Let me deflect blame for doing this horrible thing back to a body of people that I am a member of!

Setting aside the decades of privacy invasion for a moment, this does make me wonder if a bar where this happens but it is openly stated before you walk in the door that the bathrooms are not private, could survive.

Does anybody else giggle a little when they think of the word “pornified”?

God I hope so.