
The biggest reason I always make the bed is that when I go to bed at night and it is unmade, I feel depressed, because I associate it with times when it didn't matter whether I made the bed because no one else was going to give a shit whether the bed was made.

That depends on what kind of drunk you are, but yes, you are right.

I think I might go with alcohol and liver cirrhosis, just because smoking can create problems for people around you as well, but I have to say, I kind of agree, having seen multiple elder family members in my wife's family go through it, it's awful for them and for everyone around them.

Colleges: We want you to come forward and tell us when something bad happens so we can help you!

12. Your dog dying. I just saw John Wick, so this is fresh in my mind. That was one cute dog, too. Russians are terrible people.

Even setting aside the very real question of whether he's got anything left in the tank (let alone enough to not embarrass himself over the three years and $64 million remaining on his contract)

The couch? Dafuq? Who wants to have to gather the supplies up every time and take a kid over to the couch or leave a caddy full of baby stuff sitting on the floor next to the couch?

It's not MLB's actual goal though, and the MLB has no responsibility to Josh Hamilton to help him get off drugs.

While I tend to agree with your first sentiments about addicts, Hamilton's a bit of a weird duck. He seems to have demonstrated true, genuine remorse and self-loathing about his addictions in the past.

sources say MLB officials are of the view that Hamilton may have come to them once he believed a positive drug test was inevitable.

Data can't be wrong (provided it was gathered accurately), but analytics can absolutely be wrong.

As any wannabe stats dork will quickly parrot at you, "Correlation does not equal causation".

Alternatively, if seawater is not available, the blood of all of the workers who survived the construction process can easily be swapped in.

And probably shouldn't play up the Chris Brown connection seeing as the rest of the YMCMB headliners have associated with him quite regularly.

Be wary of anyone who regularly associates with Chris Brown

$1 in tax breaks is based on hypothetical projections of future economic activity that are not going to be taxed at current tax rates at some point in the future. There are some projects, granted probably not this one but many others, where without those tax breaks, said economic activity never actually occurs. A

Then why don't you either vote these guys out in the next election, or if you'd rather not vote for the other party, vote these guys out in a party primary, which have even lower turnout? If the number of voters in LA county municipal elections doubled from their recent levels, there'd still be a far cry less than

You mean, the fairly small percentage of people who actually bother to vote like to vote on everything there.

Inglewood California. Near as I can tell, less than 20% of registered voters, 76% of whom are Democrats, participated in the last round of municipal elections.