
And yet, voters in these cities could easily annihilate the mayor and city council for doing this. No amount of corporate campaign contributions can get around the fact that the city council and mayor unilaterally decided to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into this project, after all.

The team now has a policy on how to deal with deaths in players' families, though it's odd that there needs to be a policy for human sympathy.

Martin Mayhew used to work for Matt Millen. That tells you everything you need to know about both him and the Lions.

What happened to Perkins? I remember when people used to think he was a solid defensive big when he was at Boston. I guess Garnett,Pierce and Rondo's defensive abilities made his skills look a lot more formidable than they really were.

Americans have caught on to the stadium scam, and local politicians are no longer so eager to throw tax money at money-losing propositions

It seems like you'd be at a disadvantage if you were hopping around a lot, as you'd expect players would get good at predicting the arc of a person's jump.

Motherfucking Kevin Garnett Is Fucking Going Back Home to Goddamn Minnesota And That's Fucking Cool

I don't totally understand why gamers seem to be so into filming themselves while they play video games these days, but after coming across this wonderful moment in human history, I am very glad that they do so.

It's a labor issue in that enough members of the MLBPA have weighed in on the side of not wanting to have to use PEDs to stay competitive, and as such they've chosen to allow the MLB to harshly penalize violators.

I think you're conflating "Terrible" with "Stupid". I'm pretty lucky right now, but I've had bosses who were terrible and stupid, and bosses who were terrible and smart. If your boss is terrible and smart, you're just as likely as not to find yourself in a daze being shuffled out of the building by security with a

I served the longest suspension in the history of the league for PED use. being a PR clusterfuck for the league. I probably shouldn't have gone on national television and said a bunch of bullshit that wasn't true.

Except the issue is uncertainty. PEDs absolutely can and have caused health problems for some players who took them. A PED friendly league would force players to inject chemicals into their body if they want to remain competitive, and in what would be an arms race of PED development, the notion that there won't be

Why'd we ever get so bent out of shape about it?

Tate doesn't have to beat Revis. Tate just has to occupy Revis to free up space for other receivers.

Granted if Golden Tate had stayed, the Seahawks might've won. You can make a very real case that a huge problem for them was that Mr. Shit the Bed here was their best receiver.

Perhaps Baldwin should have taken a page from his fellow Stanford alumni's book and saved his shit talking for a play that actually, you know, won his team the game.

Oh, that's brilliant. Really, no snark.

Don't punch out your fiance, you may end up losing millions like I did!

Will Gordon loves life and tolerates dissent.

What he did was terrible, no doubt about it, but he did not "literally" strangle her to death. He made decisions that contributed to her choice to kill herself. That's ... something besides literally strangling her.