But Olbermann wasn't trying to analyze basketball.
But Olbermann wasn't trying to analyze basketball.
I'd say Oakley was right there with him. Which is nuts when you think about them being on the same team.
Sure, maybe, but I would hope that he would at least establish more realistic expectations for voters while doing so.
Ya know, I never really thought about it before, but A-Rod as Draco Malfoy fits almost perfectly.
Yes, I agree, but again, trying to put actual teeth behind them will require monitoring of compliance and agreement on performance metrics. All things that do in fact generate lots of red tape.
As long as the "economic activity" also includes local/regional commercial/industrial vendors who pick up business as well.
CBAs are less about red tape and more about creating equitable neighborhoods.
Sure, they're wrong. But insults don't win arguments, and facts don't always change minds.
Are you not entertained?
Give the Ticket a bit more credit than that. The beauty of not ever being or having a chance at ever being in the future an NFL broadcasting sstation is that The Ticket features some pretty solid criticisms of the NFL and bigger sports media entities.
*Broods over-seriously and silently at HuskyHauler with arm slightly extended.
Right? There was way too little screen time for Rachelle Lefevre and her bonkers-awesome red hair.
Another reason I enjoyed Homefront is because, having grown up in that part of the country in a rural small town and having spent a lot of time in rural Louisiana, I felt like it got the setting of small town Louisiana right in a much more convincing way than most fiction that touches on the area does.
Using 'hoople' without at least 17 uses of the word "cocksucker" and 42 usages of some derivation of "fuck" in the same monologue is incorrect grammar.
This is a total nonsense point.
Actually, from what I understand, based on local news (I live 20 minutes from the Chipotles in question), the demonstrators, as batshit insane as they may be, did actually follow the letter of the totally insane open carry laws in Texas.
I dunno, I don't think praising progress only if it happens for the right reasons is really the route we want to go down.
Yep. What was the point of your comment again?
I'm sorry, but the caller clearly expressed some uncertainty about whether the gun was fake.
Yes? And? How does that change probable cause? Not at all. The police absolutely should have showed up, because open carry laws are not a license to "point it at everybody" which is also something the caller said.