Congrats to this guy for admitting he actually likes men - versus just grinding rail all weekend.
Congrats to this guy for admitting he actually likes men - versus just grinding rail all weekend.
“None of the above” should be a real option at the polls.
Serious question: why does this country require its citizens to register before voting? Why can’t I show up, fill out my personal info on a ballot, choose who I want to vote for, then drop it off?
I’m too terrified of CYBER to check.
Why must everyone criticize Donald Trump?! It’s so unfair.
After last night, I literally cannot wrap my mind around the idea that any sane person would think he is qualified to serve as president. He’s the worst sort of thin-skinned, narcissistic, no-nothing bully.
These people would like to go back to the days of the uneven parallel bars. Separate, but equal.
It’s really illuminating to see what happens when people have an anonymous or semi-anonymous platform to publish their opinions. I honestly think that some of these people may not even be as racist as they seem in their ignorant comments; they’re just super-unintelligent and feel obligated/entitled to “pick a side”…
What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.
To use the n-word in condemning a black man for protesting racism and police brutality requires some Simone Biles level mental gymnastics.
I loooooooove the suggestion that one guy makes about Lester Holt sending Hillary the questions. She was so prepared that she had to have been given them, right? No way she could actually be that studious, that polished, that prepared.
No stamina. I mean looks. I mean stamina.
The sad thing is Howard Dean’s scream wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar today.
And the media is so unfair oh my god this Rush song has the best drum solo I’ve ever heard Neil Peart is a living god where was I crooked hillary airports.
“And we’re going to the frat house, to your sketchy uncle’s house, to the ATM, back to the frat house, BYAAAAAAAAAAH!”
To be fair, it wan’t just Greg Schiano causing the rot - it was also his staph.