Settle down, Hipster. It’s pretty common knowledge that the proper nickname is “B-dubs.”
Settle down, Hipster. It’s pretty common knowledge that the proper nickname is “B-dubs.”
Remember kids: the first person Manning kissed after the Super Bowl was Papa Fucking John.
I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.
Followed by “I really don’t have time for this today”. Seriously, Eric, what else is on the docket, hmm?
Like when people establish unassailable credibility in a beef by using the terms “libtard” and “butthurt.”
Nothing says you mean business like “I dare you lol”.
“He ain’t even got as much security as Fountains of Wayne.”
Clickbait. I came here expecting to read about a delightful heist those Ryan boys had planned only for Rex to spoil it all by calling the wrong person.
Can we focus on the punctuation issue? Grammar is not a subject that me know much bout.
I’m sure you can ask (since you obviously just did and, therefore, are capable of it), but you may not, for pity’s sake (usually singular, by the way). Just sayin’ . . .
God, seeing that was so disturbing. Also, the shooting was unnerving, too.
No, in any crime scene involving an armed suspect, you really want to get him outside of the building full of people and alone in the open.
I’m calling BS on your story. None of the children’s names have “-ayden” anywhere in them, therefore you have no idea what you are talking about, and probably made the whole thing up.
And the moment he made a threatening motion or comment to the teller there should have been two armed, plain-clothes officers approaching him from behind. “Excuse me sir, can you step over here with us for a moment.”
If that’s the case, then these cops suck. If they had the place staked out, this guy never should have made it to the getaway vehicle.
sometimes the dumbest are the bestest +1
More cupholders.
Very disappointing. I misread that second paragraph to read the cops had shot Rudy Giuliani.
Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.