
Those uniforms are pretty bad all around.

+1 bomb bursting in air

Make a meme that says that and see how long it takes for it to show up in a Curt Schilling tweet.

Yeah, you would think these self-described “patriotic” types would have enough respect for the anthem to...well, pay attention to it, instead of monitoring what everyone else is doing.

That sure would make setting my Fantasy National Anthem Posture lineup a lot easier.

Which begs the question: What is the ideal assortment of races, ages, haircuts, genders and hair colors to be found on the cast of a college football pregame show?

I was going to say he should be more of a scrappy, high motor, coach on the field type guy, sneaky athletic but with good fundamentals, a real gamer with a high football IQ who plays the game the right way, but OK.

“Poise” has to be a top 5 “Word you rarely hear in a non-sports context even though it isn’t a sports-specific word.”

And in that sense, his method of protest is may not be ideal. But I think he’s clearly not implicating everyone. He’s saying there are ways in which the country the flag represents isn’t living up to its ideals.

Gotta draw the line somewhere.

I think he was implicating those who “oppress black people and people of color” which, I would hope, is not the entire country.

Is Mushnick wrong, though?

Alvoid Mays

Never been to Denver, but my guess is no.

This is correct.

It’s too bad that she won’t stand for the people who have died for her so she has the right to wave a rainbow flag.

I don’t love mayo, but it’s pretty innocuous on a burger. Ketchup, on the other hand, can go die in a gas grill fire.

1. He never said he was oppressed. And while I’m not wealthy or a minority, I imagine it’s at least possible to simultaneously be rich, black, and oppressed in some way. Those who would mistreat you because of the color of your skin probably aren’t checking your bank statements first.

I don’t know if reverence is necessarily what he’s going for, but while some people may see the kneeling as him hedging a bit, I think it’s a more powerful gesture. Inevitably, sitting while everyone else is standing just makes him look like the sulking teenager that so many people who are outraged by this are trying
