Burning River all stars

I don’t hate BMWs. I hate the unreasonable value pretentious douchebags put on them.

It’s still a negative. He’s “creating jobs” by being a bully. Instead of developing an actual long term solution, he’s applying a short term band-aid. Competition from foreign automakers and reducing overhead cost are part of why American cars have become pretty awesome in the past 7 years. But with the government

Yep. That’d be the Stepien rule, named after the man responsible for a much darker era of Cleveland Cavaliers basketball.

Me — an accountant — anytime I hear how great it is that a business can just “write off” whatever it is

Why Buy A New BMW X3, When You Can Get A Sexy Ferrari 355 F1 Serviced?

Yes, Velma is a babe. Daphne can hit the bricks with her drama.

Until you get caught like.... WELLS FARGO

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

Those navi systems that cost $2k used to be great profit centers I’m sure. Too bad a $50 cell phone with $35/month service from Cricket does the same thing a better job.

all i fucking want from and infotainment system is a dock in the centre of my console that my phone can plug into and face me. don’t integrate the hvac controls into the damn thing and maybe leave a stupid little two knob am/fm radio for those rare occasions that i happen to leave my house without my phone (like once

4th Gear: This is shocking. I can’t believe that such an electrifying company like Tesla can’t charge forward with sales and accelerate their growth model. It seems to me that the company should be on autopilot already.

That looks like a lure for a dinosaur.

“Clinton tries to ally herself with the “common folk,” but she comes of as pandering and fake. Trump does it too, but at least he seems real, especially when he is eating KFC.”

America is essentially a 3 year old child.

Given Trump’s post-election actions, I’m sure they feel as dumb as we think they are.

How was this not suggested? I’ve seen it posted so many times here, and it still cracks me up every time.

Reddit is never funny, at least not intentionally.

not one of them was remotely funny. Roasts are supposed to contain humor. This was just a bunch of internet try-hards

After getting through the top 50 or so upvoted comments I discovered one glaringly obvious fact - not one of them was remotely funny.

“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to-”