ricardo amanueces

So fat women can be arseholes too? Quel suprise.

But in modeling the body is primary, which is not the case in cardiology. Her size isn’t an accident, it’s the very point.

Something tells me I'm going to get some weird looks when I ask to see the "plus sized mechanic" later when I go get my oil changed.

Your screen name.... <3

Can we go with Model or Supermodel who happens to be plus sized? I always feel like the focus is on the fact they are plus sized. Basically “here is a big person and here is what they do for a living” I have never met a person that described themselves as a PLUS sized Cardiologist.

Please let me know: Is there anything wrong with saying black men love me?

Strongly disagree. They look kind of alike, sure, but Amy Adams is a huge Oscar-winning star and goddess; whereas I legitimately have no idea who Isla Fisher is and so would never mistake her for Amy Adams.

With Bryssica, however, I know that both of them exist, but they’re both so similar in their

Nailed it.

I remember that and I agree. Oh god do I remember that.

I was in my volleyball sweatsuit but the back drop my mother chose was of a fucking beach.

It’s okay to think rape is disgusting but also wonder whether this woman is currently more interested in self promotion than anything else.

Actually it’s pretty much the same love story as Twilight.

The last thing I want to give two people with a history of almost exclusively overlong, hackneyed , ponderous self indulgence is more time.

I’m so glad someone else doesn’t like her. I was beginning to feel all alone. She is SO smug.

“We spoke to Jezebel, a popular Kardashian news site, on Twitter today...”

What a lovely day!

Hopefully there will be a trilogy

It actually is a great movie.

OK, first, someone went to Thailand and hired a prostitute? Whaaa? Second, two guys getting oral on the same bed is a) not an orgy, but a blowjob, and b) gay, especially switching girls so your dick can be where my dick just was. And finally, who cares about name calling? They’re prostitutes, for chrissake. They don’t