It's Japan. They all live to be 170 years old now a days.
It's Japan. They all live to be 170 years old now a days.
I want to believe.
Innocent people died in hundreds of other significant events, yet we don't single out those days.
China wasn't the one attacked, so why should they be sensitive about it?
Yeah, and on the 6th and 9th of August no one in the US is allowed to have fun because that's when the atomic bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Yeah yeah save the vitriol... I'm no fan of the NYPD at all (probably called them Fascists a few times myself), but the point is pretty obvious here: prevent copycats. Afroduck basically encouraged it, and when you start to have more people racing around NYC with impunity, you're bound to have something bad happen…
I feel like I should forward this to the people who do the road paving around here. I think some might be brought to tears of joy to hear a compliment once in their lives.
"despite its "Back To The Future" buzz"
Well silly me it's called a wedding announcement like 3 times in this blog post and it's in the Weddings/ Celebrations section of the NYT. What could I have been thinking.
I'm okay with her saying that - I would say a majority of people aren't out there saying that having an abortion is an easy choice, or that they are massive fans of the act of abortion. Even the pro-choice side argues that it's about having a choice, not about having more abortions. There are also lots of people who…
There was a second mudslide in the guy's pants.
Jesus Christ...
Everyone reply and bump this one to the top. Best point made in this entire discussion.
My humble opinion: If a person is driving fast enough that they are unable to keep their car in a single lane around a turn, then that person is driving faster than their ability allows. Watch some of the turns on the faster highway sections...the driver is all over the place.
However, unlike Blade Runner, anal sex is vastly improved when narrated by Harrison Ford.
Oh great, cause all I had come up with was "Penis Over Vagina" and I was like "They are no longer putting it IN the vagina anymore? WTF?"
I'm personally more horrified about the atrocities committed by the graphics in this 2013 triple-A game.
@Willard Fillmore: You act like that's a problem