Not sure that him getting fired is 'justice' for anybody.
Not sure that him getting fired is 'justice' for anybody.
Corn-based dough is disgusting? I'll agree with you that tamales are bad but have you ever had a pupusa or arepa? #NotAllMasas
He's really good looking though.
Just gotta put this up here for posterity.
Should have gone with tamales. That's more plausible.
I disowned my mother for leaving my father.
I don't have a father so I don't celebrate this ridiculous capitalist holiday.
In this hostile climate when violence and harassment against atheists goes unchecked, nay, even encouraged, atheism stands as a calculated decision to embrace the holy power of logic instead of the absence of collective neurotic beliefs informing mainstream society.
If you examine the PC metaphor more closely, you'd find that a computer with no operating system installed, analogous to the tabula rasa of the young child-mind, is nigh unusable.
What is smug about being rational, level-headed and invariably correct on matters of spiritual importance? I don't see any smugness there. Perhaps it is your eyes which are veiled with the foul cataract of smugness.
Atheism should be the default belief system installed on every new child unit.
Another wonderfully incisive comment. You are quickly becoming one of my personal Kinja favs. Keep up the good work! xoxo
Stephanie, I feel for you gurl, but they are called hand warmers. I'm also going to presume you were taking prescription pain medication for your breasts and maybe, perhaps just maybe, it wasn't a good idea to mix the two, like alcohol and driving.
Vegetarian privilege disgusts me.
And she's Floridian too! #NotAllFloridians
Does this mean I can drink milk instead of wearing sunscreen.
It's not my fault if you have chosen to remain in the serfice economy instead of jumping on the knowledge bandwagon.