As someone with supremely fucked up skin on my feet and teenager like pimple growing acumen in their thirties, don’t you dare try and take away my cyst draining videos. I will burn this website to the ground.
As someone with supremely fucked up skin on my feet and teenager like pimple growing acumen in their thirties, don’t you dare try and take away my cyst draining videos. I will burn this website to the ground.
Bump. Univision, back when the main sites like Jez had mods I was one. We worked for free. We took pics like that on unrelated articles down. We need to come back. Let us mod again.
These new ads that prevent scrolling are a dealbreaker. If you do not remove them you will get removed from my adblock exceptions.
Oh my god. The prospect of that being true fills me with such rage. A CHILD’s life (her thriving acting career at the very least) was ruined by getting pregnant by a child molester?! That guy needs taken down. She was only what like 16 when it happened?!
There were about nine million blind items about that back in the day.
I miss you, Fametracker.
That and apparently he sexually assaulted a cast member on The Amanda Show and many speculate Amanda Bynes decline had a lot to do with the abuse and harrassment (and possible even assault) she endured on Nickelodeon.
Ugh I miss Greg so much. “It was a Sh*tshow” made me laugh/sob because it so perfectly described a former relationship.
Damn you, you beat me to it
Yeah, if anything she should have said that to the first letter writer with the racist mother-in-law and asshole husband who’s off working all the time and leaves her to care for the mother-in-law and thinks dealing with home drama is beneath him.
The letter writer literally mentioned her husband once in the whole letter. It wasn’t about him, it was about his parents. This might be the most bizarro advice I’ve seen from Jane.
It was an insightful and helpful response right up to that paragraph, too!
That stopped me dead too. My MIL is the fucking worst and complains about my family constantly (she’s a middle child who is endlessly Bitter about a perceived lack of attention.) Does this mean I don’t love my husband??
Jane is probably under 30, completely naive and unobjective, as well as a total bitch.
thank you! its like... coming off as super high school mean girly. I can just hear her valley girl voice emanating through the screen. “like, maybe your marriage is just junk garage and maybe your husband sucks?” ‘head tilt, gum smack’
“Interracial marriage is evil” -Jane
Well then she has that same day every single time she puts out a column. They’re all train wrecks.
I got to that sentence and stopped cold. What the hell, Jane? Why would you ever put that in there? Someone is having some relatively minor new in-law drama, and you suggest she married the wrong person? That’s.....I can’t call that a jump, it’s so far beyond., that has no place in the answer to the readers question. That and the last answer makes me think Jane was not having the best day when this article was written.