My attitude reflects my personal life trajectory
My attitude reflects my personal life trajectory
Dave! He’s hysterical, along with the little one who’s always trying to rep The Mask.
Evan Huang is my favorite person on TV or maybe ever.
I’ll be cautiously optimistic. BR has been horrible for me lately in terms of finding workwear. My office isn’t on a fuckin’ yacht, people...
Do you have a link? That’s really unfortunate. I thought he was one of the good ones.
Is this true? He went to the funeral of Congressman Clementa Pinckney, who was killed in South Carolina, and sang Amazing Grace.
Tilikum’s life has been an abject tragedy.
I’m a Beyonce stan but this is...unseemly.
Paging Pope Alexander!
For me, Wiegert was worse. All the arrogant certitude plus the “who, lil old me?” shrugs on the stand. Bleh.
Now that this douche has been fully hung out to dry on the laughingstock circuit, I want that asshole O’Kelly (the investigator who practically torpedoed Brendan’s case) to get the same.
Kratz has actually sought treatment for NPD, so being jealous of Strang (who has attracted so much attention/adulation for being smart, well-spoken, dedicated, and yes, good looking) and wanting all that positive attention for himself doesn’t surprise me one bit.
This gif is terrorism.
That tickles me too. And she’s not a half-bad photographer.
I was really floored by it. Hanzee and Mike Milligan were absolutely magnetic.
That Beyoncé would write a screenplay should’ve tipped people off that this was false.
These articles get LOTS of hits so hopefully that means they keep coming!!! God I’m addicted.
I really liked Jodi. I kind of identified with that scene of her hiding from reporters behind her bitchin’ Ski-Doo jacket
It’s okay. The comparison that some posters make to Groundhog Day (it’s the same posts over and over because there are constant waves of new watchers finishing the show and posting the same questions/sentiments) are pretty apt but it’s a good source for breaking news and memes to inject some humor into the abject…