I know it’s just a typo, but I *really* like the idea of “Queen Reagent.” All hail Queen Dioxane! LONG LIVE QUEEN AMMONIA II!
I know it’s just a typo, but I *really* like the idea of “Queen Reagent.” All hail Queen Dioxane! LONG LIVE QUEEN AMMONIA II!
She’s this country’s real life version of Wonder Woman.
I look forward to the tepid non-apology apology from Collins and the conservative media burning her in effigy.
I don’t think he understands the difference between kids and adults. He probably talks to his grandkids about the great pieces of ass he sees.
Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,…
Is that you, Wayne Gretzky?
It is so infuriating when a man tells you what you should wear and not to wear, how you should do your hair or why you should wear makeup or why you should smile more, there is no week where a man offers me free unsolicited styling recommendations.
Maybe the Hair and Makeup person could also do something about all the brown on Scaramucci’s nose.
I’m surprised not to see “when Trump wouldn’t let him meet the Pope when that was all he wanted in life” on the list of “things we were sure he would resign over.”
Reminder that it’s possible to believe both that O.J. Simpson killed two people in 1994 and that the Nevada parole board did its job correctly today
please please tell me this is /s. you can’t build a life with someone who doesn’t respect you, no matter how good the sex is.
Latin = multiple ethnicities, which includes white Latinos. it doesn’t Just end with looking at the Name.
My father had brain cancer, and the way John talked reminded me of him it made me cry.
I won’t be sad to see him not in the senate (I really doubt he’ll return), but I wish him well in his fight against cancer.
ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen
Can’t watch. Taking your word for it.
... in his second tweet, he’s talking about “fake news distorting democracy”
If the son’s a twit, you must acquit!
Dude’s written for NY Times and is working on a book (these things take months and months to produce). Guy was chasing the info Don Jr. dumped on Twitter. Guy expresses frustration on twitter, and reminds the world he’s already written a book, establishing bona fides - and yet you dumbasses accuse him of lying about…
The Twitter bio says “work in @nytimes”; he has indeed published articles in the NYT. Not sure how this is misrepresenting himself.