Burnie Parent

I realize this will require the reader to do more research but simply pulling up the Twitter account and scrolling through the tweets reveals that he gives credit to the NYT and never suggests it was he alone who was scooped. Calling him “a bit of a fraud” is a bit dickish when he gives credit to the people whose work

The fact that no one booked hotel rooms is AMAZING to me. Like what a perfect representation of how awful this government is.

I mean, does anyone really think that studying is going to help Donald deal with Putin? Give him his tweet-length briefs; he’s going to fuck it all up one way or another.

Yes, I understand that some high school students work. I worked...during the summers only, though. During the school year, school was my job. And yes, I understand that some poor students have to work during the school year. It is just as common not to do that, though. And would a part-time job count for this? I doubt

You are not an asshole. I’ve never understood why she is considered “talented”. Her...”music”...is mostly just this weird, nasal based growl and repeating the words “baby” and “crazy”.

I’m all for letting her speak. The more she defends the indefensible, the more she reveals her true nature and the more she can be judged for her words and deeds. We already know she’s a shallow, litigious, hypocritical, gold digging plagiarist and grifter who came to this country under shady circumstances, thinks

I buy a lot of useless crap, and I genuinely don’t understand why someone would buy a shirt with a picture of Tupac that has Kylie’s (Kendall’s?) initials on it. Even if someone were a fan of the Kardashians, it makes no sense.

In a conversation. You rightwing gullible dipshits are the ones who have spun it into her getting some kind of imaginary affirmative action out of it because you moron racists think that’s a real thing and believe anything the hucksters say on their insane radio shows. And then all of you, including the embarrassing

Enjoy your President, hillbillies.

I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.

I can see the houses are ugly, I just don’t find that amusing on its own. Her annotations didn’t add much.

How is it possible for a 71 year old man to have ZERO social graces???

But for real, can we all just let out a big sigh of relief that we didn’t get Billy goddamn Baldwin

“I try to stay out of politics.

It’s spelled Loren. If he admires her, he should know how to spell her name. It isn’t hard. #spellingpedantry

In an email to the Post, Bradford apologized for his Twitter commentary, calling it “disrespectful and offensive.” “These comments are inexcusable and I do not stand by them. Now, as a public servant, I hold myself to a higher standard, and I will work every day to better the lives of all Americans,” he told the paper.

Did you...not read the damn article? There’s a WHOLE VIDEO for you at the end.

“damn, I hate poor people too, so glad someone finally had the BALLS to say it. Now, am I going to eat or put gas in the car this week?”

The median household income in Iowa is just under $55,000. Do the people at tosay’s really think a guy with at least $325 million in debt to one bank, and people with 12 zeros in their annual salary represent them or their best interests?

No one cares about college rowing but like Donald Trump Jr., I rowed in college. (He was on the team at Penn for 1 year.) The standard by which rowers are judged is 2000 meters on the Concept 2 ergometer. The slowest guy on our team went 6:48. He was 5'10", 171lbs and iron deficient. Still, that score is butt. Donald