Burnie Parent

I was on Broad from the end of the game until a bit after midnight and the worst thing I actually saw was some cops un-tipping a car. Other than that, fireworks, public drinking, and some lightpost climbing.

I have little of substance to say here except that I think she is a truly stellar human being.

Isn’t there one more degree that damned school has to erase from its legacy? Priorites!

every time i see a picture of her she takes my breath away. i hope that if justice needs to be served they can serve it and that she (in death), her fans, her friends, and her family can find some peace.

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

...our state’s resolute commitment to supporting our troops

Absolutely love it. What an admirable young woman she is. I am all for her being president...like, now. Why wait!

what’s great about their donation is that they never tried broadcasting it — and that leads me to believe it’s because they didn’t care about boosting their image. they genuinely care about helping restore justice to those who have been wronged. love them as people.

It boggles my mind how many people fall over themselves to give both Melania and Ivanka the benefit of the doubt and yeah, it is absolutely because they are conventionally attractive white women who dress nicely, speak nicely, and get their hair and nails done.

Seriously. They are both scumbags who are every bit as bad as Donald. They stand by him and support him, yet people keep wanting to believe they secretly hate him and are somehow good people. It’s ridiculous.

Her and Ivanka get this pretty white women force field that shields them from their own shitty behavior. Melania pushed the birther issue, made excuses for her husband and decided being rich was worth more than not being an asshole.

Many of these examples are not shading her husband, but rather being sent to somehow mollify the damage he has done. Notably, the Holocaust Museum and the issue of cyberbullying.

Daddy drove me home from school, but I walked from the car to the front door...

It’s the same reason kids yell this shit when playing online multiplayer.

The whole Hanoi Jane thing was a setup. She was a pretty naive peace protester who jumped at the opportunity to show the North Vietnamese as human beings who wanted peace as much as people in the US did. The North Vietnamese exploited this by cajoling her to pose on a anti-aircraft gun.

“Flanagan repeatedly acknowledges the generation gap...but fundamentally misunderstands the motivation for the “strength” she cites...this struggle was tied up inextricably in female purity and the stakes a woman faced in her eventual, and all but obligatory married life—where, by the way, once there, she had no

Seems appropriate, as he was replying to the title rather than actually reading the story Dvora wrote.

Shouldn’t the conversation be both? Men, stop being shitty and pay attention when someone doesn’t seem interested/uncomfortable. Women, speak up/leave if you’re uninterested/feel uncomfortable.

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.