Yup, she was 100% right on the Iraq War and I think she’ll be proven right about her comments on Trump’s Russia connections as well.
Yup, she was 100% right on the Iraq War and I think she’ll be proven right about her comments on Trump’s Russia connections as well.
I was hesitant to call 45's voters stupid because I had thought that it’s rude and not necessarily true.
I cannot get over how much Hannity talks over Koppel— a well-respected, white, male TV journalist. Like, if he’s willing to talk over Ted Freakin’ Koppel...imagine any black woman who has ever had the misfortune of interacting with Hannity.
Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.
I’m sure the people at FOX News and Breitbart will have calm, rational comments about this.
I really appreciate that Jay is actively working to highlight these stories.
Everyone go catch up on TIME: The Kalief Browder Story. It’s so fucking heart breaking. It’s on Spike, IDK where to watch online. So thankful that Jay-Z is putting a spotlight on these stories.
clearly you haven’t watched any of the Olympics documentaries or understand just how much goddamned freaking hard work it is to compete on that level, get as far as she did, and then have your hopes literally smashed by a freaking evil bitch.
I suspect it’s more to do with needing her on immediate call, because of her father’s fading mental health and increasing sundowning.
Why the F is he still having rallies? Do the trumpers not realize that’s odd?
Having a child certainly didn’t make this woman know how to properly use the word “infer.” Imply, damn it! IMPLY
Telling someone to “relax” after your poor joke didn’t land is not how to stimulate discussion, get people on your side, or even tell a fucking joke. If you have to start with with an admonishment to “relax,” maybe step away from the computer or just not reply? And probably don’t quit your day job, which I assume is…
Oh god, I’m watching the press conference and he really is repulsive. Next to Merkel, he looks worse than ever. America is the laughingstock of the free world.
What could you possibly mean by that? Berlin is one of the world’s most international, multi-lingual, progressive cities. You elected this moron. You. Not us.
Whenever I see Angela Merkel I really see Kate McKinnon doing her Angela Merkel talking about missing “Mein Barack”
We are a fucking embarrassing country sometimes.
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
When I was a grad student living on $8K a year, and I found a coupon for $2 off toilet paper on the ground in front of the toilet paper. It made my day, and left me enough money to buy a block of cheese that was not in the budget.
It is my true hope that a coupon for canned soup or whatever will bring other people the…
I’ve seen a few people on Facebook share an article saying “SNL goes after Liberals” over the talking dog skit.