I cannot stand looking at pictures of his fucking bloated, disgusting, orange, fleshy face. I scroll past them as quickly as I can before vomit starts inching up my throat and my laptop keyboard is ruined.
I cannot stand looking at pictures of his fucking bloated, disgusting, orange, fleshy face. I scroll past them as quickly as I can before vomit starts inching up my throat and my laptop keyboard is ruined.
He always made those classic movies seem fresh and accessible to me as a teenager. He always had a trivia tidbit and an enthusiasm that made you want to watch whatever he was talking about. What a great man, and I’m so sorry for his family.
“Love Actually” is the herpes of cinema. It won’t go away no matter how we despair at its appearance.
Thank you for saying this. My sentiments exactly. They are telling a story about how certain individuals behaved 50+ years ago. I watched the episode, and it had the effect of making me feel some empathy for the two lead characters. Rather than promoting the idea that it’s okay to degrade co-workers (??), I could…
I thought the ending was perfect. Chiron needed real, human contact. Not even sexual, just to be real and open, and content and able to let his guard down. He was trying to look and act as hard as he could, and in reality he was made of glass. The end was the ONE moment in the movie that Chiron was real. He was…
Such sweet kids. I’m rooting for them to have a successful career, but also a normal childhood. Don’t ruin them, Hollywood!
He sounds exactly like the reason I haven’t been in a serious relationship in over 20 years and I probably never will. I’ll take ‘Dying Alone’ for the win, Alex.
Why do guys do that? I think every guy that I’ve dated (and who broke up with me), will invariably text or email me so that we can “catch up.”
i didnt mean to cheat!
After reading tweets from Katy Tur, Van Jones, Zeke Miller, Chris Cilliza and hearing about Chris Matthews all lauding him for sounding presidential with a capital P, Vincente Fox’s tweets softened the blow of the impending rise in approval ratings.
Still is declared valedictorian because the only other options were women.
Literally nothing he has said since being elected hasn’t confirmed what we knew the whole time, that Donald Trump is a neophyte who has never actually done any hard thinking in his life, and whose only previous hard job was deciding which model he was going to hit on once he named them a winner.
But guys, he has to be smart because he’s a successful businessman.
In my mind, David Oyelowo is looking at Kimmel to see if he pulled this fuck shit- because that’s one of the many thoughts that rushed through my mind when all this was going down.
I love how he looks so delighted by the whole thing.
“Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.
Tim Walz spent a lot of the day yesterday tweeting maps of Rochester comm and tech college showing where parking was, which building it was, where the ADA entrance was.
Favorite Keanu Blind Item: