burning fire

how can she be forcing her opinion of the studios willingly hire her. She can’t go there unless they want her to.

shhh don’t bring logic and facts here. This is a GG dissucsion those things have no value here.

Wow.. a comparision of Anita to Jack Thompson.. shocker. Thompson actively tried to get video games banned. Anita has never once done anything like that.

did i miss something? what has she ever done that has prevented anyone from making a game?

its not just Disneyland its Disneyworld too. In fact right now Disneyland is having a bit of a revival while Disneyworld seems to be going into the dark age. That park is increbily broken, they aren’t even doing basic maitence.

fuck VR give me Augmented Reality for Survival Horror. Let’s see what Microsfots Hololens can do

no its more of a cost thing in America. You look at the proposed ride and area designs that were cancelled and 9 times out of 10 the reason is cost.

yes they have bitten off more than they can chew.. but i woudn’t call it a scam

simple reason Disney Tokyo isn’t owned by Disney its owned by the Tokyo Land holding company. Disney proper really sucks right now about adding stuff.

well played sir... well played...

what happened to all the GG’s screaming they ruined Thor

This is why Universal Parks are better then Disney Parks now.

no i mean a plaque on the statute explaining the person a bit more.

They are doing that at the University of Texas Austin as well... granted the statutes here are of some pretty shitty guys.. but it would be better to put a plaque explaining what they did.

Nope they have excellent ac and humitidity control. They have to because you need to keep your electrical equipment in perfect order

aren’t they working on a Justice Leauge game set in the Silver age? I thougth that was said years ago

not a gamer? So i guess beating contra with no 30 man code doesn’t make me a gamer? Playing Everquest not a gamer? Beating Serious Sam? Beat all the Final Fantasies? Listen kid you go on and play your CoD and pretended you have some kind of elite status. Leave the real games to us adults.

no you don’t seem to get it. I’m mocking you because there is no such thing as a “real” gamer. The fact that you say there are no real MMO’s anymore shows how stupid you are.

what’s a “real” gamer?

sigh.... you are missing the point completely Yes if you go by very basic defintions then sure. But then you could also say that Batman and Black Panther are the same character.