burning fire

the problem is LoL players are bringing their bad habbits into the game.

PLEASE NO! LoL players have a LOT of bad habbits and we dont’ need them coming over to Dota2. Most frustrating is the LoL players who don’t know how to adapt to the other team.

any game that has melee weapons and guns.... so a ton of games really.

how do you figure? Kotor’s first 2 weeks it only sold 200k

lifetime is about 3 million.

big difference between the HK 51 and this trailer.

SWTOR has new Star Wars music

hey the storm troopers did hit rebels just not the heroes.

as a star wars fan i can tell you those are 100% accurate to the movies. Remember all of STar Wars weapons were just reskins of real life guns.

yeah you’re kind of off on this one. Its been releasing 2 mini expansions a year for the past few years. Right now it has around 1 million active players. The game is doing pretty good.

you clearly haven’t played it in a very long time. They have mutlple xp boosts and they do 12xp runs where you can play the entire game leveling just off of story quests.

$14.99 for new content is really cheap when you think about it.

well the thing is if the Kotor Fans played SWTOR they would probably enjoy it. I mean you can easiy get your your single player Kotor fix from SWTOR. Its easily the most single player friendly MMO out there and the stories are really good

ehhh it was cross platform.

yeah it did. Its first week it sold 2.2 million copies

SWTORs first week sold double what Kotor sold its life time. So yeah...

well seeing as how SWTOR sold more units then Kotor why would they make another Kotor?

well play SWTOR and don’t group up with anyone

yup they really are

umm yeah i did. C’thun wasn’t that tough once they nerfed him. Naxx is the raid that only a handful of guilds beat