the Night Elf females look different. The undead look just weird.
the Night Elf females look different. The undead look just weird.
Vanilla WoW Arms warriors were OP with Hand of Justice and sword spec because they could proc off each other. I remember being able to 1 shot people in PVP because 1 lucky hit would actually be about 15 hits in 1 sec.
Phenius and Ferbs version was even better then that
Phineius and Ferb did a much better job.
god i hope not
oh god no they are nothing alike in terms of powers or behavior
When you will add actual new content instead of just more cash shop heroes? I own the ultimate founders pack but i am so bored of all the content i haven’t even leveled half of the characters.
no its been dead. Yes there are some people who gank lowbies question but there was no meaningful pvp since battlegrounds came out.
i’d disagree im thats not even a nurses outfit
only in that its a robot.
World PVP has been dead since they added battlegrounds back in Vanilla
yeah pretty much. Since Arkham assylum they have been making her more and more crazy and more like a Clown Stripper. New 52 she was all about cutting people up with knives.
then read any comic with her in it for the past 6 years
you can thank the Akrham games for this.
oh boy!
why pay them when they do it for free
the difference is Slade is intersting Deadpool was boring when Rob Liefield ripped him off but became interesting when they made him self aware.
hopefully something actually happens in it and they get rid of the constant voice overs.
its an interesting concpet its a shame the series is BORING.... not since the Sopranios have i seen a series where in most of the episodes NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENS..