well that and games had to be shorter due to memory limitations so to make the game last they had to make it hard.
well that and games had to be shorter due to memory limitations so to make the game last they had to make it hard.
Doom Themed Tychus skin
yeah its about time i honestly don’t understand why they started with genric fantasy maps especially when ones like “Tomb of the Spider Queen” clearly should have been the bug city from Wrath of the Lich King
you didnt play the original Diablo. He was freaking terrifiying
Blizz just needs to fix the recconect system because right now its god awful
ugggh i’m so sick of CGI in Star Wars can’t we just go back to using practice effects.
plus you didn’t have to wait around for all the mods
omfg will people please STOP USING SUPERDATA AS A SOURCE OF CREDIBLE INFORMATION. Their info is so freaking skewed it’s not even funny
oh yeah i used to play Miss Fortune all the time when i used to play. People seemed to underestimate a ranged character with a high attack speed.
i’d say they shoudl have more then just 1 MMO added.
I don’t think WoW will ever die really as long as they keep updating the engine and adding new content like Warlords. Everyone thought it was on its way out but the Warlords came out and subs spiked.
SWG was a complete and utter failure why would you add that?
and it has less violance towards women then Twilight
apparently English is hard for you. If you are wrong then you are wrong and it has nothing to do with me. I tried telling you that you were wrong and you got angry and lashed out.
except you are wrong. Its ok man just stop being such a dick about it.
its ok to be wrong just don’t get all mad and spam everyone
its ok you’re wrong now you’re lashing out at everyone.
you mean French and Dutch... pretty much every country but Germany
ahhh Euros... that explains some things. Yeah europeans don’t understand how economies work.
i would say you should. Join a good guild most guilds give those free to players who raid consistently.