If this were a free-roam game where I got to enact havoc as Harley Quinn, then I’d jump in for this update.
If this were a free-roam game where I got to enact havoc as Harley Quinn, then I’d jump in for this update.
The Hobbit movies had fantastic visual effects. What you talking about.... Smaug anyone?? One of the best CGI Dragons in history of cinema.
Also note that 3 seconds after that comment he is a vapid mindless observer, engrossed in the movie.
“I’m already not interested. It’s just one big computer. This is Avatar”
What would a video game movie trailer be without some dismissive, hipster asshole mentioning “I’m already not interested” in the first ten seconds, as if he was forcibly conscripted to watch the trailer.
That guy, and I hope he is reading this...can eat my nuts.
What is wrong with you people? Why can’t you wait 4 months for the trailer?
Well, that’s some goddamn impressive technology right there.
Stormwind is way bigger than I remember... but I don’t see Gank Bridge!!! that place was a staple when the horde would try to raid the city.
100% luck. That was not some kind of next level play—at all.
It’s just a lucky shot. It’s not like he calculated the timing and can reproduce this steal in every game.
exact opposite of you, soon as I heard Will Smith voice thought this is going bad, then I watched Batman V Superman trailer and thought wow this is awesome
Some fans refer to that Joker as the “homeless” Joker. And you just called him a metrosexual...
um...are you out of your mind, this film looks like a piece of crap that crap crapped out, batman vs superman looks badass, the joker (which in my opinion is the damn selling point for the film) looks awful, now I could get over the awful appearance he has (because he looks like he fell in a vat of hot topic), but the…
I think you’ve got it the other way around: Heath’s joker didn’t give a shit about what he looked like; he had scars on his mouth and grotty long hair, but it worked. This new Joker looks like he’s the first metrosexual in that he actually seems to care about how he looks with these tattoos, which breaks the…
Definitely not feeling the Leto Joker take. I strongly dislike the aesthetic design and his voice wasn’t capturing the magic at all.
Or just do a completely new Forgotten Realms adventure that had nothing to do with the Bhaalspawn Saga. They could do Waterdeep, for instance.
The whole movie? IT RUINED MY LIFE!!!! (actually, no, it didn’t, but I’m trying to out-dramaticize you. I’m winning, ‘cos I have more exclamation points AND CAPS)