Look where voting got you though. More needs to be done
Look where voting got you though. More needs to be done
Cops make mistakes, they are human. I assume you have a perfect record at work
I love the hate, TaichouLance cannot Kinja. He is well written, yes, but so are many other commentators out there.
Let’s not talk about why a 15 year old, with a ‘bright’ future is running around with a gun.
IT CROWD Episode
Just take off the bandanna. It’s simple, why do they escalate the situation? Because they want attention.
I’m that bro
She could just be making it all up. I can write a book and say Joe from down the street is a murderer and here are the reasons why.
HACKING - use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
Have you worked as an LEO? Please work as an LEO for a couple weeks in your innercity. Pull over some suspected gang members with restraint and a smile. See how peacefully the interaction goes. I mean look at Chicago
Do you come out successful in every business venture? He has a couple hundred businesses with him as a beneficiary. You’re gonna have some failing ones.
Mr. Magary please do not come to Miami for your friends bachelor party to run around Miami Beach. We don’t need anymore
Do you know the meaning of hate? You said you hate vans but would drive a metro van. Does a klansman hate poc but would eat dinner with one every night?
It the tranny aint manual I don’t want it
You sound like the old man yelling at the clouds because things have changed. Honestly change is good and variety is even better.
You put too much trust is corporations man
i wonder if it has the track pack 3.73 gearing. That 2011 mustang was a killer with that gear setup.
Go pimpin for the democratic party, they sure helped the black community
Or he just doesn’t care...have you ever thought that someone else does not care about the social constructs that stop you from doing what you want.