Someone’s big mad.
Someone’s big mad.
yet here you are. wasting your time online looking at an aggregator of links instead of building connections with your family. call your mom she worries about you since you left for college.
Tell that to the dems gentrifying your local neighborhood
Go to a prison in Brasil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Philippines, Nicaragua, etc.
Ya’ll don’t call CNN on their slant either
The first bit about the schools was too soon...the second one was spot on...there are only 2 genders
It’s usually young teens who want money to go out with
counter-counter point: what if it was stolen before or after that incident?
I have a hunch you’re not old nor white
You speak on it like it’s a science. Every scenario is different. In this scenario she was pointing a shotgun at police. Unfortunately for her that was the wrong decision.
If you are a member of the internet, you information is taken forcefully and sold no matter how hard you try.
You are who you hang around with. You should tell your kids who might be trying to act honorably. Their friends might make a dishonorable decision and get arrested, causing them to be arrested. They may not use the defense that they wanted the honorable choice.
Was she or was she not holding a shotgun pointed at police?
You’re right. It’s about customer service first.
I know people think “Hey man you shouldn’t play baseball for a racist franchise”
Ahhh someone is mad. Tis’ the internet, information on all the arts whether they are arts of Mr. Potter or arts of Mr. Malfoy
TRIGGERED....btw you can find this info with google you liberal loser
What about the rap music promoted by the urban community? It’s prevalent there too. Let’s start there
Lmaooo 4-0....maybe 2-1-1