
he wasn’t proven guilty yet.....

lmao you all won...start the parade, when her govt clears she’ll still be ahead.

This...most people I know that live in DC live with at least 4 roomates.

People despise americans....we beat them economically and destroy their homelands...so we let them have soccer.

couldn’t they have done it in a calmer manner. Talking disrepectfully does not help either.

racism is funny...the whites say the same things about the blacks/latinos

“I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...Now I use Amazon’s Alexa to visit the online world I once traveled in”

Why does an ideology that differs from yours disturb you? Is it because his was a response to yours?

IMO the labels are what set everyone back. Why can’t I have republican ideals but like some social programs that would make me liberal. Why can’t I keep my second amendment right without be labeled as a backwards libertarian.

Lol ok chelsea traitor manning

Funny thing is most people don’t realize when they have an outstanding warrant. Forgetting your court date is a perfect example.

coming here for the “omg he’s not white” comments...

“I didnt know he was going to shoot him and kill him”

martha stewart had a cozy stay in a federal prison. She was fine.

“Sacrifice their bodies for the NFL”

One burner to another, I salute you

Section 8 housing is part of welfare, no? You may have a job and still have subsidized rent.

I agree that it is a slippery slope. The American govt is has a sliding scale of force used when it comes to citizens and non-citizens. I do find illegal colonization of our country to be criminal though. I understand the idea that we started from that but now is the time to make a decision to stop it.

And most of these thieves come with knives. I’ll take a gun to a knife fight anyday

I like to roll the dice on that though. I’ll take a shot, but so will they.