
Here he is, ladies and gentlemen: That Guy.

Always a good reminder that the exit you need is the only exit in existence to get to the place you are going. It is the only way both in and out for the people past that point. So if you miss your exit, all is lost, you can never go back or around you must find a new destination, give up the people and or places you

Release more malware to fight the existing malware!

Thoughts and prayers

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

he pleads not ghillie.

“Even when they are faced with the fact that consuming meat increases their cancer risk about the same amount as being a lifelong smoker...”

OOOO this is going to be good. Suck it racists.

Shit. Simpsons be the new Nostradamus.

I assume you haven’t seen the rest of the video.

He had pink eye! Whereas Matt Lauer had his eye on pink.

...ewwww. that joke was bad.

I bet this whole fiasco has been rough on her. In my view, there’s only one fairway to resolve this: let her keep the title.

This really puts things into perspective.

The bigness of the world as a whole.

What really matters vs what... anti-matters.

Sucks for me, cause my wife and I are desperately trying to have a baby. She’s got some fertility troubles and while yea it’s hilarious, it also hurts to see.

It was a cents-less crime.

Some people will never change.

If I had a nickel for every time someone has said that..

Why is Paul Bettany wearing glasses in that picture? Vision problems?

Dualy noted.