
Just wait till it sinks in that this is the 10th time they’ve done it!

None of this describes me, but I take umbrage with people who think body language and non-verbal communication are things that should be obvious to anyone. They’re not.

Nice to see we think alike!

“Even when they are faced with the fact that consuming meat increases their cancer risk about the same amount as being a lifelong smoker - they still don’t care”

Biased media giving me some fake news on the invention that makes pooping great again!... typical gizmodo... Lay off the magical unicorn!

What this guy now has, is stability. After watching (and unfortunately having to force) my mother and brother be homeless, stability is key. A stable home and a stable income does wonders for helping people take the next step on the road to recovery. Just based on the little hints provided in the article, he wasn’t

Yes, she played an android for an episode

*Reads title*
*gets excited to see these people again*

Could you call this... Chewing with Fat?

They have to pay for Kevin Spacey related settlements somehow