Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

After all, there are plenty more emissions to mess around with.

“We could live forever with this fountain of youth, but we’d have to live with Floridians, so we’re good, thanks.”

1% of the company value, I’m sure that’s really going to make them think twice when they do this again in the future.

This same thing can be found in a lot of food philosophies. In my house, my girlfriend has been very big on zero-waste and, while an absolutely admirable goal, as a lifestyle for someone with a so-so income and someone who has zero income and heavy-duty food restrictions, it’s unrealistic, impossible, and elitist. The

All-you-can-eat pizza is only a good deal if you like variety, and have too much money in your pocket. Otherwise, just get a pizza with 2 sets of toppings on either side, it’ll be cheaper and you’ll have leftovers.

That and the “DO NOT WASTE MY TIME” overly-aggressive listing behavior are the reasons I clicked No Dice. It’s a cool car, and if a friend bought it in this condition I wouldn’t give them crap for it, but there’s just enough red flags to give me pause.

I have made that recipe, subbing greek yogurt for sour cream and vegan mayo for regular, and can confirm it’s easy and very tasty, vastly better than most store-bought.

Bob’s is the only refrigerated dressing that I’ll go out of my way for, it’s insanely good. When they have it at Costco, I buy it and then regret my terrible choices since I then have to eat it all before it turns, my gal doesn’t like salad or dressing.

Shhh, don’t tell people about Ken’s Dressings, it could cause a shortage. Their blue cheese - hell, even their LIGHT blue cheese - is also stupidly good. Damn, now *I’m* doing it!

I want to say yes to this, but this looks like it was found UNDER a barn.

Dipshit, she asked you your age in a sports bar because you are 21 in a bar, what the fuck do you think she was asking you your age for? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK ASKS YOU YOUR AGE FOR A COME-ON?!

Would I buy this? NO.

The operation went off without a hitch”

I love The Orville, but Fox gave it 2 seasons, which I fear Hulu will not extend that far.

It’s one of those cars where I love it from the front, like it from the side, and hate it from the back. I’m not a longroof-type, but this car absolutely would benefit from being a wagon instead of a gawky liftback. My gal saw a Dodge Magnum for the first time yesterday and was feeling it, although it’s hardly like

I love Bob’s Burgers, there’s something so wonderful about their optimism and upbeat attitude even while saying some pretty hilariously messed-up things, but I’m growing a little tired of the stories splitting the family up so much, I will wait to hear if the movie suffers that issue as well.

The original Speed Racer anime would make for a solid live-action TV show so long as it doesn’t spend a whole season telling just one story of one race. The original show was about smuggling and intrigue and espionage and mysteries and adventure beyond just the racing, most stories were just 2-part episodes and then

Yes, let’s continue to allow foodborne pathogens to grow unchecked in this country’s food production rather of stamping it out like any sane wealthy country would do. Why? Because it makes a few people more money, so they worked to deregulate and depower agencies designed to keep the American people safe. It’s cheaper

Your body will replenish that within a day, while you’ll be helping save lives.