That’s actually starting to happen around the area, although more in the other cities in the LA area than LA itself.
That’s actually starting to happen around the area, although more in the other cities in the LA area than LA itself.
The city of LA is hampered by being way, way too big and the upper politicians know it, so they just slow-play everything, burying it in bureaucracy until voters forget. It’s not even done out of evil, it’s indifference, just “that’s how it has to be”. You can actually see the difference in road paint and asphalt the…
The weird thing is how little it would cost a load to just pay the truckers what they’re worth, it’s not that much compared to all the other costs involved, but it’s easier to cheapskate, scapegoat, and then suggest we pull a McDonalds and lowball it further to let kids who can’t even be trusted with alcohol drive a…
Then don’t peel it. We eat it with skin on, the skin is nice roasted, adds texture, and you can choose how crispy or soft you want by how much oil you put on the skin and how far you roast it.
Ah, I understand what you mean. Since it’s absorbing only the liquids and ingredients that incorporated with those liquids, I don’t think it can expand more than the total volume of the ingredients. I’ve found with cereals like oatmeal and rice that you can’t get out more than you put in.
A&W’s, specifically. And look where they are now:
This beef looks too lean and previously frozen, which usually adds up to gas station-levels of crappiness. Flat-top is generally the worst cooking method for this kind of beef, McDonalds makes this mistake as well and underseasons it, it makes their plain burgers terrible. It’s kind of depressing that DQ keeps…
Given the volume of ingredients is around 8 cups total, the method of preparing doesn’t have evaporation, and there are 5 servings, it seems like each serving would be 5/8ths of a cup, or 6 and a quarter ounces by volume.
My girlfriend is the sweetest thing in the world, so whenever she’s dealing with one of these types of phone AIs, I know it right away because she talks to them in the most withering, cruel tones. These phone AIs make humanity worse in the name of chasing cheaper and fewer living employees.
The one time in the last year that my friends and I tried to sort it out amongst ourselves, I got shorted considerably because they shifted digital money around the table before we were done figuring everything out and it was a total disaster, they even screwed up the tip situation due to the confusion. When we have a…
This is why Memory Alpha needs a stronger hand to its editorial voice. All Miles O’Brien can really say is what these self-sealing stem bolts aren’t, which is not especially scientific; he’d be better off writing articles about the intricacies of shoulder injuries.
My girlfriend’s family in the crash of the ‘00s ended up getting food from food banks in her home town, and every week they were given a cake. She says the first two weeks it was great, and after that they grew to really hate it. Cake stopped being a treat and became a waste of their food bank boxes, it was just…
Every single thing is wrong in this article.
I’ve never been to a Michelin-starred restaurant. Turns out there are a pair of TWO-STARRED restaurants in my more humble part of West LA. Both are prix-fixe menus, one is $300 for 13-courses of Japanese/California fusion, and the other is between $250 and $1000 of pure mystery (although 18 courses of said mystery).
We want people to eat healthy, but first we need them to eat food at all, and candy is not nutrition, it is not food, it’s just sugar: worthless instant energy that does nothing for their real needs. It has no protein, no long-chain carbohydrates, no dietary fiber, no vitamins or minerals, it doesn’t even have bulk to…
Acorn squash is great, halve it or cube it and roast, season it sweet or savory, it’s delicious. Don’t be an ‘80s comic.
Putting this into dollars-to-calories (and other crucial nutrition), we’ll calculate for fries whenever it’s a “side”, Coke whenever it’s “drink”, Chipotle go chicken on flour tortillas with pinto beans and white rice, sour cream and cheese...
It sounds unappealing. It doesn’t have flavors that would complement ground beef, and it’s wasting precious belly space on a protein I don’t get to really chew on. As for the silky sauce, shouldn’t the burger’s own juices be doing that job?