Burners Baby Burners: Discussion Inferno

No way to know for sure, it’s just very convenient that a fight he started ended with his boss dead and his competition in prison for life.

I still haven’t seen it yet, so I didn’t want to judge. Same with 4, although I’ve been warned off that one so many times that I’m not champing at the bit.

But to make up for it, it’s also 130 minutes long.

You have just embarrassed yourself publicly. 

Most of them are stupid fun and don’t take themselves seriously. They generally don’t repeat themselves, which is good when you have a series with 10 entries. The first one is cobbled together with love and family. The second one is a pretty middling entry. 5 stops trying to be what it was and then becomes something

Not only is it pretty bad, but the production values on this film are shockingly poor given the talent in it.

Aww, this movie’s cute, it’s a nice little teen adventure, and Annie Potts is fantastic in it. Sure the car is butt-ugly, but that’s part of the charm, and it has some solid driving in the last act.

First half of the film is a bit slow, but that second half more than makes up for it. Some real white-knuckle excitement. Too bad the writer/director killed himself making the sequel.

Wait, Smokey isn’t The Bandit in this one? But that’s the whole premise! Now I gotta see it.

THIS IS A GREAT ANSWER! The first Trek film to lose money across the board, it killed the franchise and halted a directing career (thankfully he went back to editing, where he’s quite good). That stupid dune buggy sequence is painful to suffer through, and then it’s also hideously ugly to look at.

Eh, once I finally gave it a chance, I really liked Cars 2. It was a great send-up of 007 action, and it didn’t just repeat the first film like most sequels did. It’s no Grand Prix, but it was a lot of actual fun.

It’s not great but it’s not nearly as terrible as all that.

Knight Rider 2010 is a TV pilot as a TV movie, it shouldn’t count. It’s not Knight Rider, it’s not a movie, it’s not good.

This is a good answer. Death Proof is by far Tarantino’s worst movie and full of trash dialog - and that’s coming from someone who loves nearly every Tarantino movie!

At least Torque is short.

Death Race (2008) is among the worst car movies I’ve ever seen, absolutely. But there’s always...

Great post!

Yeah, I like frozen vegetables in general, they’re definitely good for you as food, way better than canned. But as an ingredient in making your own dishes, I find them lacking (except corn which is just a dream to work with from frozen).

Frozen veggies in place of fresh is only good for some meals, or if you’re not a fan of crisp vegetables. If you’re doing meal prep and don’t care that it’s gonna be soft when you reheat it anyway, they’re fine. If you’re going to eat that meal right away, you may as well be a gummer because mushy carrots and celery

That Shell employee who was killed was essentially Sanders’ boss, and the way that went down eliminated Sanders’ in-town competition, all very convenient. It was over an argument where each man repainted the others’ sign to their respective businesses. Sanders had been given the gas station by Shell rent free if he’d