This right here.
This right here.
That might explain it. Bender B. Rodriguez - robot chef, Jack in the Box.
Imagine if they had that on the menu boards next to the calories, people would lose their minds.
Funny how perspective works in photography, from the front angle with the Toyota closer they don’t look that different in size:
Perhaps that price difference is based on demand, where midwest states maybe don’t have as many cars tuned for premium, so it’s a commodity less in demand and thus suffers a higher cost for those who need it.
Welcome to the world. That’s exactly one milligram more than the standard Whopper that don’t have cheese, sauce, or grilled onions.
two Whopper Jr. Patties
They do, it’s called “vehicular manslaughter” and our justice system is so broken that most of those cases get pled down to save money on not going to trial. Capital punishment isn’t a great deterrent in this situation, it’s a solution that doesn’t work so well for keeping people from acting dangerously with their…
Good on that trooper, I cannot imagine how scared she must have been to see this car coming at her at that speed and still juked it into plowing directly into her cruiser.
Who the fuck starred this comment? Life isn’t a Michael Bay movie.
“Officials say it’s one of the most dangerous intersections in Los Angeles” and yet the city still won’t put in a stoplight, because Los Angeles is constipated on all the red tape it eats. A man died saving his family because yet another asshole driver couldn’t be patient and thought they were too important to stop…
Some of this is just like my road test in Hollywood, and some stuff like long waits in line, three-point turns, and multiple parallel parking attempts are totally foreign to me. I suppose those are things New Yorkers will be dealing with daily where most other areas won’t be quite as focused on 3-pointers and…
The story references it right from the opening image.
I wanted to zip right down to ND and smash that sucker hard, but on the way I stuck on that steering wheel cranked to 45 degrees while the car is parked dead straight. Stay far, far away from this car at anything above a fifth the asking price, and then only stay far away.
What do I want to know? How was the food at Lucy’s #1? I have hit a few Lucy’s, mainly the one on La Brea and Pico, but never the original.
Well, in that case it won’t fuel you at all, zero calories and all. :-P
It almost certainly is supply issues in your area, they’re probably just waiting on the new cups. I thought they had permanently switched until I noticed it said “McCafe” on the side. Those plastic cups cost way more per unit, there’s no way the franchise wants to piss away extra money permanently on those for a…
Bingo. I recently stopped my girlfriend from running a recipe she found online blind because as she was reading it aloud, I heard some illogical operations and had to dig deeper, found it didn’t understand the relationship between water and flour, she was about to make glue instead of bread.
Cooking can be like fingerpainting with no wrong answers, but BAKING is the chemistry experiment. It’s why I love baking.
I read that whole post and cannot figure out why that person cannot for the life of them just FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS IN ORDER. Over and over they keep sacrificing ingredients, and eventually small kitchen appliances, to the god of laziness instead of reading the steps before undertaking. They say they did it right, yet…