It’s the ‘90s baby, everybody’s selling out!
The Z3 in Goldeneye was such a kick in the teeth, painfully blatant product placement specifically because it didn’t DO anything. It has all these cool features and the only thing they show it doing that a normal car doesn’t is a small screen popping up for radar scanning, what a waste. I don’t care what the…
Great, now she looks from above like she has a huge, bulbous ass, somewhat akin to...
It may be a little chunky around the midsection in a way the faring can’t quite disguise, but the overall package certainly looks darned nice.
I hope you remove all the air from that baggie, otherwise it seems like a recipe for raw chicken juice everywhere.
I suspect at some point he’ll only wish he died when his insides revolt against his outsides and take leave of his body. Food poisoning on this scale is no fun.
Just change the law and add a speed limit if you want to bust someone so badly for driving on the limit-free road faster than you’d like.
Anything under 80% can’t be called margarine, but 27% is insane, what the hell are they putting in it?!
Or, you could be a super stud and do what I did last year, make homemade scones:
My girlfriend built a homemade tap for a CO2, she had to leave her rig at her folks’ place when she moved in with me because we don’t have space for the tank right now, and I was gifted a Sodastream. She says it’s a little different than the sodastream in that injecting the CO2 from the rig injects so hard into the…
Diet tonic exists, Walmart sells it pretty cheap, 67 cents for a stubby liter bottle, you might say it’s a... great value
My doctor prescribed me tonic water for my leg cramps, quinine really works for that. Too bad it tastes like DEATH. Bonus: I still haven’t caught malaria.
It’s almost like Tab sold poorly - 0.1% of the global diet cola market in its final full year of 2019 - and was discontinued when COVID caused the company to tighten their belts and focus on core products. I’m not thrilled that they still haven’t brought back Coke Zero Caffeine-Free but you don’t see me signing…
And it’s 5 years older than Tab. My ex’s family would buy several 2L bottles at a time and store them in the garage. I started buying it, it was ok but makes for a poor mixer.
I haven’t noticed it harder to get real butter, although I only buy it in stick form; but I have noticed it’s now impossible - literally impossible - to buy real margarine. Everything in that realm is now 60% or even 50% oil, where real margarine is 80% or higher oil content. Makes feeding my gal, who staunchly…
This is really, REALLY eerie to me, Lillian. I was just looking this matter up a few hours ago and came across that very article you linked to because I had just gotten a new butter dish that mentioned it held both styles, and was curious what all the hullabaloo was with this. (Annoyingly, it does not European 8oz…
Everyone complaining about carburetors is dead on, to hell with that mess. Since that’s taken...
“Human life is a lot more expendable south of the border, where they don’t look as much like us!” - the west, through the entirety of civilization