
Do you own shares of tesla or why do you take his opinion so personally?

Volvo’s “issue” is that a Level 3 autonomous system is inherently dangerous and shouldn’t be used at all, due to the allowance of distraction for the driver but reliance on the driver to take over in emergency conditions.

There’s no other way to paint it. It is just a rental fee. Walking away from a lease without paying any early termination penalties is the same thing as a buyback, because you don’t own anything to sell back to VW.

If I owned [either outright or have a bank loan] a 2.0 diesel then I would opt for either the cash buyout, or fix, depending on if/how much left on loan.

The whole point of the Ghibli is poseur luxury. So when the fat, balding, divorced middle manager chats up the waitress at hometown buffet, he can tell her he has a Maserati. Nevermind that it’s a v6 and $65k new. That waitress’s dad probably has a pickup that costs almost as much, but she doesn’t know that. All she

I fully intended to keep the car when the lease was up, so am I getting some of my money back when I cancel my lease?

Ald then you have to live with those mods every single day, and you have a specialized vehicle that’s a bitch to drive. With this, you unbolt the tracks and you have a stock Jeep to tool around in.

Pontiac Grand Prix, Aztec and so on had HUD in the early 2000's.

The Teslas hype is out of control at the moment. Many believe they have supercar performance, never break down, will last forever as if even the suspension is some sort of solid-state electronics, and that Tesla has some sort of monopoly on battery manufacturing that no one else can compete with.

“Love it or hate it, the Model S is a technological showcase and can demonstrate performance that rivals supercars from legendary manufacturers like Ferrari and Lamborghini.”

We prefer being manual journalists most of the time.

I guess Toyota doesn’t know that in American slang, to “86” something means to kill it.

If you look at car design vs. economic trends, you’ll see more “exuberance” when there’s a recession. All of the 1930's, the late 50's, mid-late 70's and now.

Yeah because these are exactly the same too.

That’s not hugely different than the new model. Considering safety standard that cars have to adhere to and motorcycles don’t, it still retains it’s original fundamental features.

Yeah, what if there was a car company that did that?

Totally a new VW. Back in ‘08 they used the same pseudo-Hyundai badges on the Tiguan prototypes.

Seattle is as bad as the lower mainland. The US has put up words about dirty money, but doesn’t actually practice what it preaches. I live in an area where many say half or more of residential real estate transactions are to offshore cash buyers - and these seem to often be people who are gazillionaires yet aren’t

Maserati is failing. Sales are way off as are replacements for some of their aging models. FCA made huge mistakes in not investing far more in a sales network and by pricing their models much too high relative to the competition.