
Like I said, my local dealer does not seem to be picky about giving loaners to anybody, including people with older cars or people with cars that weren’t purchased there. As long as someone is picking up the tab for the repair work (a warranty company, BMW, or the owner himself) and the person in question has

So it is worth the extra money versus a Camry

What’s the interior volume, measured in babies?

Digital tire pressure gauge:

Can the bikes be X-rayed before races? Seems like a pretty easy way to find motors. (be gentle, I am a sports dummy)

I think I’d rather have the ZF 47spd box over a Nissan CVT

So your $1500 skis can be full of rock chips, sand and salt grit when you arrive at the lifts?

1. IMS wasn’t an issue on the 1999s, as they are the only ones to use a proper dual row bearing (don’t make me get the full blown legal study showing a less than 1% failure rate). Also, anyone can have the IMS replaced for $2,500 or less. I personally will be picking up a 99 C4 this spring to strip down and road rally

You missed the point by 1,000%. But let’s put this into context. How would you feel if the most personally offensive thing you could think of was proudly displayed at one of your tax-paid-for government buildings?

I have so many questions which can’t have good answers . . .

Ford said it’s an ideal program for college kids, neighbors, occasional pickup truck users, or city-dwelling friends who only need a car sometimes.

What happens if the old guy ends up on an Interstate when it seizes?

Until the Baracuda comes out with a better chassis and just as much horsepower.

I want to stick audio mics in these cars to see if I could catch sentiments and statements from individuals in the car itself. :)

“Plaid seats? What were they thinking?"

Race cars.

/end discussion

Maybe if you’re pulling their waistbands back and looking for the tag.

I don’t care if it beats the record, it’s still a squid with no gear. It should learn how to ride a 250 or 300 before it tries to break records on a liter bike maybe then it wouldn’t take until 2017

I think there’s definitely good information to be had here. A robot will be perfectly consistent in its inputs, allowing engineers to much more clearly see the effects of changes to the bike. Data generated by the robot can help human riders be faster by comparing the telemetry between the two. “Oh, Motobot leans

The point is at the end of the article. It is to increase safety measures for non-robot piloted bikes.

Actually this is the dude at the dinner party who looks pretty normal but benches twice his weight, has a three figure income, plays piano competitively, and who your wife wishes she married.