
Because 0-60 is the most useless spec. Usually limited by traction and gearing.

BHP is the same as CHP. BMW advertised figures are labelled as BHP but usually they make that much WHP which is what you were trying to say.

At Chrysler they even made visitors with competitor cars park in Timbuktu

Your comment is too stupid to be real

No. Just no. Stop drinking the coolaid. Employee discounts for buying their cars is a benefit/reward enough. If an employee wants to buy a competitive car and spend thousands more by not taking advantage of the discount then there is a good goddamn reason they made the decision. Forcing them to park a mile away is

No way, I am in sales and cover Detroit and it is the situation at all of the fucking FCA and GM campuses I have been to. They even made me park my fucking rental japanese car in the back lot across a 4 lane road in the winter.

They are trying to subsidize all the VW fines, lawsuits, repairs, and buybacks by price gouging Audi customers. I am fine with it.


I thought this was what the title was implying. Why did the punchline have to come from a comment? The author should be sad.

My 2011 bmw had to have the whole gauge cluster changed out because something shorted and it fucked all of the CAN communication so it even took out things like the door lock and radio. Luckily it still drove so I didn’t need a tow to the dealership.

Or you can bypass the clutch switch and make the remote start work.

That just goes to show all the training in the world for the actors won’t guarantee a good performance. I don’t care how much martial arts they learned or if they had to become blackbelts during shooting, the fight scenes in the prequels are terrible. Way too stylized with pointless spinning and jumping. It was like

as I was rewatching all of the movies the prequel fighting especially in Ep 2 and 3 was just terrible. Too much flashy jumping and twirling.

I liked Django more than Basterds.

The S85 is inarguably the best engine BMW has made in the last 10 years. It is better in every way than the S65 (which is basically just the S85 missing 2 cyls). Plus the S85 was designed for and actually works well with the SMG III tranny regardless of the hydraulic pump reliability issues.

I wouldn’t nail you even with your mom’s floppy donkey dick.

From your comments I can tell you prefer 2 ton penises jammed forcibly into your gaping rectum.

If you are from Minneapolis that would explain it. I bet you drive exactly the speed limit in the left lane too just to slow other drivers down. I hate you.

Because most people already see multiple E90 or E46 M3’s on the road every single day and I personally see 10-50 E90’s every day on my commute. It is basically as boring as suggesting a Subaru STI. Honestly in Atlanta an STI is an order of magnitude more rare than either of those gen M3’s.

It just allows them to accurately know the shaft speed of the CHRA. Typically you are just guessing at shaft speed from a model that has been developed but things like boost leaks can vastly overspin a turbo and lead to damage so they tend to play it safe on setting boost targets for more or less continuous operation.