
If I am wearing my hair curly I wash it every day to get rid of the mousse and start fresh with new mousse. If I blow it out, I don’t really use product other than a little glossing creme or heat protector and can go 3 days without washing. My scalp gets really itchy and gross if I go any longer.

I just ordered some Athleta swim wear and the tops both had that annoying removable padding that just wads up and make boobs look weirdly misshapen.

The price varies by market and depending on whether you want to be able to visit one studio, a premium studio or all studios in your city or the country. A couple years ago all studio access in NYC was @$170 a month. There is no interview. Their gyms are clean, well appointed, have nice showers and free

I wasn’t raised in a cult and I know I am a full woman no matter what my marital or maternal status is. I want to experience pregnancy and childbirth. I want to feel what it is like to create a human, I want to feel that bond, I want to feel the kicks, I want to deliver a baby and experience that rush of hormones. I

Good to know! I can feel them coming and will try to remember this trick next time I inevitably get one.

My doctor doesn’t make me go in any more for UTIs. After the first time I just email and she sends an Rx to my pharmacist. I feel like Drs. in my city are really stepping up there game, with apps, and email consultations.

The article names Giada’s father as the assailant convicted of raping a minor.

I am 5'5" and 180 and am a solid size 12/14 more XL than L and even 1X in forever 21/H&M. Bodies are weird.

I had two friends get pregnant within weeks of each other while using IUD’s so my anecdotal experience is quite different. In both cases the IUD’s were put in immediately after the birth of their second child and they now both have a third child that is about 10 months younger than their second.

Other than replacing “slightly gross” with “incredibly gross” I generally agree with your comment.

You would assume, until you’ve read through dozens of puntastic decisions written by these same judges. They got jokes too!

Really? None of mine ever had. I would be down, it could be fun, but no one has ever asked? This is the kind of thing I should wait for them to ask for right?

Ok. I totally get it. Spending that much on kids clothes is ridiculous and it would never even be an option for me but... those clothes are really cute! Those little models look fabulous!

Update: no longer available through link provided

Update: no longer available through link provided

I used to love the Esprit outlet too! I used to get my leather knee high boots there every year and never paid more than $21 a pair!


Less than 1 bottle of wine per person is also sacrilegious!! It should be at least 1.5 bottles per person minimum!!

Did I miss the part where they said the alarm only works if the attacker is unknown?

I bought a set and couldn't figure out how to use th properly. I was able to snap them on but they made absolutely zero difference to the images I snapped. Please help me. Clearly I am not as bright as I would like to think I am. What did I do wrong?

Can anyone confirm whether these things hurt as much as I suspect they do? I am afraid to buy one and not be able to use it because of the ouchies.

Can anyone confirm whether these things hurt as much as I suspect they do? I am afraid to buy one and not be able to