Burnernating the Countryside

This back and forth was great.

Made socca three times in the past 10 days. It’s a pretty good lower-carb carb replacement. Not low carb by any means, but one cup of flour makes a huge farinata round, and it has less than 100g of carbs in it, even less when subtracting fiber. like 25 grams of protein to.

Have this exact one. Very powerful, good battery life. Very small container and what seems to me to be a design flaw: the inlet for material shoots directly into the containment cylinder, where the air/debris mixture circles in a clockwise motion. Air leaves through the filter in the middle, debris continues to

Have this exact one. Very powerful, good battery life. Very small container and what seems to me to be a design

Superhero movies have not seemed to miss your custom.

I’d rather not

They didn’t necessarily get bailout money with the other big guys a few years ago, but they can hardly say they haven’t received bailout assistance from the government before.

Will it baby?

You're the worst.

Wouldn't a BRZ be the ideal candidate to receive and engine like this?

Situations where anger helps:

Man, China is getting all of the old nameplates. Escorts, and now Cavaliers. Sunfires and Cutlasses are just around the corner.

They love peppermint...they hate cinnamon.

They love peppermint...they hate cinnamon.

Bonus points for this, as you'll wake up surrounded by drunk, festive-smelling mountain lions.

Bonus points for this, as you'll wake up surrounded by drunk, festive-smelling mountain lions.

I don't think this is universal at all, or at least not within my industry. I have to constantly quell my desire to add color and background to my team emails. Part of this was my own finding, part of this was my female manager who answers in short, get-to-the-point responses.

Especially played by a dread-wearing white guy

This seems way more negative than every other review I've read so far.

Everyone was an out and out racist in those times. Now people are just racist on the inside and do everything they can to keep it from getting out.

Masterclass trolling. The only people that actually feel this way have no idea how to use a computer. Well done!

No. I mean they have basically the same ingredients, but one of them comes out of a bottle and the other one you make in your house and you feel all superior for basically no reason. Totally different.