Burnernating the Countryside

...which was mostly (not completely, but mostly) in-check under Pat Riley's alpha dog leadership. I believe he'd toe the company line under a strong figure like Pop too.

Was there an elevator servicing that floor?

Bless you.

Answer: whenever you want. That's your birthright as an American. I'd take an elevator up to the halfth-floor, if such a thing existed.

Don’t agree, but appreciate the thoughts!

I have a feeling that Greg Popovich would greatly disagree with you, as would just about any coach who had a real chance at having LBJ on their team.

No, it's a shared responsibility. But the onus is certainly on the driver to take extra care.

Why stop there? Just install bath-carpeting.

It seems to me that our ultimate ‘no gloryboys’ organization, the organization that the NFL so closely wants to partner with and mirror, goes to great lengths to highlight achievement and glory of the individual. I'm fully on board with players adding all sorts of glory-flair to their jerseys. They should be too.

But you'll see plenty of Subaru's! Actually now that I think of it, I'm not sure where I could even buy I Lincoln in the PS area.

Uno should be near the very bottom. They excel at nothing, are average at a little, and are terrible at a lot. Decent list otherwise.

I had a much more clever reply than that, but this friggen input/editing tool the past few days will be the death of me.

Huh...didn’t think he followed that version of Football...

Basketball cuckoldry?

Wait...where is Greg going?

Yeah for the average person looking to get in shape, the only bar position that really matters is what's comfortable and gives you a nice groove with good form.

Pretty good advice here, though it's all slanted towards the high bar position, which is just fine. The form changes a bit if you low-bar squat, as it becomes a more hip-centric movement. Both are useful, though low bar seems to be the preferred set up for PL folks. (Not to say you can't squat high numbers with high

Greg either has very good opinions or very terrible ones. There is no middle ground.

It's called soccer, and I agree.

You guys think this Jeffrey Arnold up-and-comer is the next big thing? Heard about him in the news a lot lately, been meaning to check out his work.