
Ug...sounds like my ex-wife. EVERY TIME I made something (which was most nights) she would ask me if there was "anything weird in it." "Weird" to her meant any sort of seasoning that wasn't Johnny's Salt, any sort of vegetable, or literally anything she had never tried before. Hint of lavender in the blackberry

Actually, Panda Express is Chinese food in much the same way that Taco Bell is Chinese food.

A) You're taking this entirely too personally.

At a wedding, my now-fiancee gave me surprise quiche without telling me what it was (it was visually unrecognizable, for some reason). She was convinced I didn't actually hate it, I just thought I did. Ten seconds later, I spit it out into the trash can and said "what the hell WAS that" and now she damn well knows how

I was once in a "fancy" Chinese restaurant in Chicago for my birthday and they had just waxed the floors. EVERYONE was falling down. Servers, customers, everyone. It was bizarre and hilarious. The management was losing their minds over how many meals they were comping. I wiped out before I even got to my table. My

Pork Wine. The OTHER white wine.

My husband describes the whole two hour experience as if the entire staff had never been inside of a restaurant before and had no idea how typical restaurant experiences were supposed to work. Or drugs.

Before I start, let me say I was a server for a decade, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for all service employees. But this story has become legendary in my family, so: Mr. Tigger and I moved for his job from the East Bay Area in CA to Austin, Texas. On our first date night after moving, we went out to

The problem with her treatment described here, to ME, is that after everything came back negative - after describing her symptoms to the Dr. the correct response on the Dr.s part should have been. "Luckily it was just blah blah blah this time, but it's good you came in, those are not symptoms to be taken lightly"

For people like Eddie Murphy to stop worrying about poor widdle Billy's "bruised ego" and refusing to "kick a [rapist] when he's down"—and start caring exponentially more about the damage he has caused, the harm he has inflicted upon his victims, and if/when BC will own up to being a rapist.

If there were any justice in this world, Andy Richter wouldn't be anyone's second banana. He deserves his own show.

Probably. We would have gotten that one right if you came into my Taco Bell.

Oral allergy syndrome is an allergy to pollen that can cause a reaction to structurally similar proteins. It's not the brain tricking the body, but IgE reacting to similar proteins. Cooking denatures and breaks down protein which is why OAS is generally only associated with uncooked foods.

A friend of mine worked at a coffee shop and had customers repeatedly come in to order "chino."

Not food related but I used to work in a sportswear store...while standing in front of a literal wall of shoes (like 120 individual shoes on display) had a customer come up to me and ask if we sold shoes...

Giorgio is my favorite of the Pinot brothers.

In his case, he looks at all the gluten as he's eating it.

The Whole Wheat Toast is the best, because it was so obvious once I read it fully, but at that same time I had no idea of the punchline until the end.