
The biggest silver lining to all of this is Arby's reaction:

Now playing

Jon Stewart deserves serious props, no matter your choice of political party. He's gotten in more shots on republicans than I could ever count, but we (republicans) are better for it and it's sad to see him leave. He also created a way to do the news that for a younger generation is not just tolerable but widely

Yes! Years ago, I started P90x because a "friend" (long story, he sucked) told me I was getting fat and I panicked. It turned out to be an amazing experience that had nothing to do with how I looked - I was never an athlete and I'd never been so fit before, and I was legitimately surprised at how empowering it was to

Reconfiguring my end goal completely changed my perception of exercise. I realized that working out 2-3 times a week had an incredible effect on my depression, and once I started thinking of it as "Mental Health Self-care" rather than "Unpleasant Attractiveness Chore" I started looking forward to it! I also

Focusing on what your body can do rather than what it looks like is insanely helpful. I started running a couple years ago doing one of those couch to 5k apps and feeling the difference in my body- even just the simple endurance and the fact that my back didn't hurt as much- gave me so much confidence. I may not be as

This struck a chord with me and I was in tears by the end of it. My best friend and I constantly talk about how much we wish we could let go of concerns over our appearance. It feels like a constant battle, undoing basically 3 decades of body-negative messages on top of the current onslaught we get. It's always two

The jury set him straight....

It's not a "non-story" and I'm really sorry this happened to you. This is exactly the sort of thing that happens over and over that men (notallmen) think is ok and is NOT.

i have said it before, that it can be a reason, but isn't an excuse. and it someone with mental illness does something monstrous, it's because society has failed them terribly and has not provided them with the support, help or in really serious cases, the institutionalization that they need.

You can't take out your dick and pretend it's bigger, though. You can, however, pretend to enjoy painfully spicy sauces.

ok i know this is obout something else BUT EVERYONE

I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry you felt so alone for so long (and at all ever, really).

This is just the dumbest shit I have ever read.

I am a little worried about that.

Professor Baker wrote: "The mantra `it's her turn' has broad appeal among Democrats."

Mr. Baker, as a man, I fail to see the problem with having multiple highly-qualified women candidates. If a strong woman scares a man who is considering a run for office from pursuing it, I think that says a hell of a lot more about the quality of the male candidate than the female candidate.

Any man who would be *that* intimidated by challenging women in his party is by definition not a 'good candidate.'

But seriously:

For fuck's sake. Really? The only reason any of these guys might not want to put themselves through a presidential campaign is not wanting to be seen going toe to toe with a lady person?